Wilton Windmill, Nr Wilton, Wiltshire. Reported 12th June

Map Ref: SU2788461452

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Updated  Monday 24th June 2024


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Red Collie (thanks to Stonehenge Dronescapes)

They used a similar “flying saucer” imagery near Stonehenge in 2020

    Red Collie (thanks to Stonehenge Dronescapes)




The first official crop circle of the 2024 season

It appeared on June 12, 2024 in the Wilton Windmill field, Nr Wilton, Wiltshire, United Kingdom. 

A rather late appearance compared to previous years, a classic planetary-type astronomical formation, which can vary from the Earth-Moon system in its four basic positions to the Earth-Sun system in the four annual moments (four seasons).

But two details were added to this formation:

1. one of the four planetary seasons is composed of five circles of unequal sizes;

2. some lines of the formation are lightened, showing a discontinuity of the structures, something like representing a "break", a rupture of the presented system.

These broken lines can be better seen in the largest circle, the one that contains its satellites. These images can suggest many things within an astronomical context.

For example, the approach of a strange object in the vicinity of the solar system and its inner planets could cause disturbances in the regular orbits (broken circles) soon. Something, in fact, that has been reported regularly by crop circles for many previous seasons.

I consider this to be a statement of disturbances in the Earth's orbit due to the entry of an object that approaches our gravitational field, terrestrial and solar combined. The number of five circles included in one of the orbital positions (of the Earth) can suggest many things, from a unit of time (five months, five years) to the position of the object (fifth planetary orbit, Jupiter).

From another perspective, the entire set also seems to show the second Sun moving in space, with all its satellites, as we usually estimate the multiple structure of Nemesis, with planetoids orbiting it - as a brown dwarf. 


Planetary alignments (and we are in a period with planets aligned in the sky) can also appear in the representation of this crop circle in relation to the Earth

JP 06.12.2024


The winds of transformation in the new crop circle

This first crop circle of the 2024 season appeared in the Wilton Windmill field, so named because it has a windmill on the local farm's premises. And one of the crop circle's axes, precisely the one with the largest number of aligned circles, is approximately pointed towards this windmill in the field.

Combining this indication with the message of the formation, which seems to show ruptures in the system indicated (in this case, the Earth around the Sun), the windmill suggests a system collapsing, with its structures breaking due to internal pressure. In the analysis of the Sun-Earth system, this seems evident given the many planetary alignments of the period (since April, the month of the solar eclipse) and also due to the increase in solar-gravitational energy due to the approach of the object P7X, always reported in the messages from the fields.

In fact, high-impact solar winds may be indicated in a very literal way by the reference to the windmill in the field. The truth is that the energy impacts that the Earth will receive due to changes in the system as a whole will be absorbed in the form of increasingly severe climatic and geological anomalies over the months and years.

JP on 13.06.2024


Standardized messages in the 2024 crop circles So far

Compare the images of the three crop circles that have appeared in the 2024 season so far, two of them in France (June 5th and 8th) and one in England, on June 12th. The three crop circles are oriented by a large axis, and on the horizontal line, they project circles, waves and crescent moons (or eclipses) representing the sky situation in these months since April and the powerful eclipse on the 8th, plus the planetary alignments recorded since then.

The final solution of all this means a reinforcement of the message that planetary events are generating a lot of solar and gravitational energy (the triggered wave) in the aforementioned period, with intense impacts on the Earth, climate disturbances, solar winds, changes in magnetism and even planetary rotation, etc. The Earth is going through a period of great energetic turbulence!

JP on 06/14/2024

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Crop Circles-UFO's-Ancient Mysteries-Scientific Speculations

The crop circle reported at Wilton windmill, UK, on ​​June 12, 2024 is inspired by the 7 UAPs which formed a Cross of Jesus Christ in the sky of Florida on August 14, 2005. One of the major events in ufology. The film of this cross was taken up by Mgr Corrado Balducci in an interview on Rai2 TV:


On June 10, 2024, a crop circle appeared in a field in Sainte-Geneviève in France in Manche, near the crossroads La Croix Devin (The Cross Devin):


It was probably carried out by the apocalyptic Gray invader responsible for the flying Cross with the 7 UAPs in Florida. These dangerous ETs abduct or psychologically harass people and kill livestock, have probably killed people, disconnected nuclear warheads in the USA, produced false Marian apparitions and false messages or divine dreams etc. I observe for you that the Wilton windmill crop circle undoubtedly appeared after that of June 10. It is sloppy with white marks in the center. In my opinion, this is a mockery made by the other extraterrestrial interplanetary alliance whose presence I have also been reporting since 2008. This alliance is in war against the Gray interplanetary alliance. The reader can find more well-documented information on my Jean-Charles Bourquin Youtube channel and my OLCPIE blog:


Jean-Charles Bourquin, former contactee, victim, whistleblower Lille, France, 13th June, 2024.

The credibility of this crop circle is suspect. However, even if it was made by humans, it may have been inspired by real alien circlemakers. Man-made circles usually occur at the beginning, and sometimes the end, of the crop circle season. 

The lightened areas in the large ring have never been seen before. True circles are constructed only by flattening the crop. Also, the total number of smaller circles around the earth, eight, contradicts the established number of comet impacts over the years, seven, plus an impact on the sun. This is a typical error for man-made circles.  It appears that the erroneous circle is the last in the series of five. 

The large ring represents the earth. Inside we have a conglomerate impact area for all seven comets, also perhaps a representation of the total effect of all the impacts.. The discontinuous lines associated with each smaller ring indicate a shock or break in the crust of the planet caused by these comet impacts. The shock could include earthquakes, a crater, and even volcanic eruptions. On the left is the impact in the Atlantic, on the right the impact in the Pacific and at the top the impact in the Arctic ocean, or Barents sea. The remaining four occur in the Mid-Eastern area. See page 10 of my free ebook at theheckhypothesis.com  for more details.   

Kenneth Heck


It looks like next step to understand extraordinary energy technology. However it starts with basic principles of the nature. Left ring in black Osiris (the serpent) is this side of fractal manifestation where common spirals are based on The Golden Ratio 1,618 and inverted 0,618. Right ring in white Isis (with feathers) is the other side of fractal manifestation where common spirals could be based on 1,118 and inverted 0,894. 2/3 is connected to these spirals: PotterneHill articles 




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