Norton Plantation, Nr Norton Bavant, Wiltshire. Reported 7th July

Map Ref: ST9137443615

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Updated  Monday 10th July 2023


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The crop artists are bringing us a “Flower (or Seed) of Life”




The Flower of Life message in the Sol-Sirius crop circle

Appeared at Norton Plantation, Nr Norton Bavant, Wiltshire, UK, on the predicted day of the 7.7.7 pattern (07.07.2023) when Sun and Sirius align annually at 14° of the sign of Cancer. 


From the star map, we can see that, today, the Sun is within the constellation of Gemini, aligned with Sirius, at the bottom of the celestial equator, in the constellation of Canis Major (Sirius is the alpha star of Canis Major). 


The Flower of Life, one of the most important symbols of Sacred Geometry, linked to Metatron's Cube (the generator of the fundamental roots of sacred geometry and the five flattened Platonic solids) and derived from the Hexagram, another solar symbol (whose planetary order, on the Tree of life, is worth 6 and relates to the Hexagram).

Evidently, all life on Earth is directly dependent on the Sun in every way. This helps to understand the relationship between the Solar Hexagram (a very repeated pattern in this 2023 crop circle season) and the Sun as the cosmic archetype of Sacred Geometry. In fact, it is not the complete figure, but a part of it, the central part, which also has an empty nuclear part (with 6 inner petals).

The complete flower of life comprises many circular cells of 6 petals, all of them in the same hexagonal pattern and intertwined with each other. The complete Flower of Life matrix has a total of 90 petals distributed in 18 intertwined smaller circles, all within a large circle drawn in a hexagram. A large circle plus 18 smaller circles, totaling 19 circles, and translating to the Tarot code, we have here Arcanum 19, the Sun, the source of life on Earth.

The flower of life crop circle on July 7 brings the inner part of the original flower of life, containing 24 petals in the set, and 8 of these petals, the ones that appear in a vertical position, were highlighted in the crop circle line.

Only one highlighted circle, the circle that houses the geometric core of the Flower of Life.


The numbers Total petals: 90 Partial petals: 24

The resulting ratio is 15/4. The highlight of this crop circle highlights two numbers:
Six and Eight (6, 8).

The number 8 has been highlighted on the vertical petals of the formation, and the number 6 can be extracted in two ways:
24 total petals (24 = 6) 6 inner circle petals


If eight (8) is the code of the Star (the eighth heaven of ancient cosmology, the plane of the stars, represented since antiquity by asterisks (graphic symbols of 8 rays) and if the Sun has the number 6 by representation of the Kabbalistic order (Sun , Tipheret, the sixth aeon of the Tree of Kabbalah), then this 6-8 core encoding speaks to what I have been speaking to from the beginning: the connection between the Sun and the star Sirius, aligned in the sky on this 7th of July 2023, like every year.

Venus-Ishtar, considered a star in antiquity


But the message goes further, because the source of life and consciousness on Earth, therefore, are not only related to the star king, the Sun. They also relate to the Sirius system, which the African Dogons already knew to be a three-star system, and which passed through esoteric doctrines under code 888. This number 888 is indirectly suggested by the numerical pattern of the same type formed on today's date, then, 07.07.2023 (777) which led me to deduce a correct crop circle for today. 


Sirius is a triple system

And since we are talking about this interstellar connection, the image also suggests a kind of open portal on the surface (or core) of the Sun, collaborating with the theory of Sungates from the Sun's core (energy bridges with distant stars).


Empty core = portal or coronal hole

Comparing the patterns allows us to visualize, in addition to the proportions of marked petals, the existence of a hole in the center of the formation, because its 6 petals existing there were not marked, which leads me to think of two indications:

     the indication of a Sungate solar portal
     the indication of a huge (another) sunspot appearing soon, with new intense solar storms following the most recent ones.


Visualizing the image, we have in the geometry of the Flower of Life a representation of space-time in the same harmony of the hexagons that divide the plane, for example, in floors or in natural formations, such as the hexagonal structures of the honeycombs of beehives.

In this sense, imagining space-time as a fabric (as illustrated by the general theory of relativity) allows us to visualize in this formation a kind of opening of the solar dimension towards distant stars, as a navigation technique within wormholes. And an enlightened child carries the Flower of Life in her hands.


On the same morning of the day that the crop circle appeared, I published this image with the title: “The gods are like children!” And an enlightened child carries the Flower of Life in her hands.

Foreboding happening online! The wise men of Sirius, on blue oceanic worlds, are like children. Here is the premonition. By the way, in France, a crop circle of the Flor da Vida model also appeared on June 11th.

Na mesma manhã do dia em que o crop circle surgiu, eu publiquei essa imagem com o título: “Os deuses são como crianças!”
E uma criança iluminada carrega a Flor da Vida em suas mãos.

Pressentimento acontecendo on line! Os sábios de Sirius, em mundos oceânicos azuis, são como crianças.
Eis a premonição.
Aliás, na França, apareceu também um crop circle do modelo Flor da Vida, no dia 11 de junho. 


One thing is right:
Contact between Sirians and Earthlings has always existed. This is part of the myths of several ancient peoples, especially the Dogons of Africa, who say that Sirius B has an inhabited, oceanic planet, and from there came the wise men who instructed humanity in its early days.


Door view

On the 4th of July, by the way, we had two crop circles, one of them in the form of an octagonal star with three levels (888) and the other, of a luminous emanation in waves.


Suggestion for Sirian enlightenment on humanity, from this mother star of ancient peoples, called Isis by Egyptian priests, and house of bread by Jewish mystics.

House of Bread = Star of Beit Lehem Or Star of Bethlehem.

The source of life comes from the stars. The Lord of the Throne YHVH, according to the Apocalypse, has seven stars in his right hand, which are his seven Angels. And he is surrounded by twenty-four wisdom elders.
The number of detached petals of the A Flor da Vida crop circle.

The life that comes from the spirit, not in a sense of life and death alternating in closed cycles. But in a sense of divine immortality. As I illustrated in the morning of this same day.

The heart is the door of life in us, our inner Sun, our Flower of Life cell linked with other cells of infinity.
Life is lives. As Flower of Life suggests!

To live life in connection with all lives, that is the formula of Immortality. 


And if the Flower of Life is incomplete, it is because our life is also incomplete, isolated from the great communion. Therefore, we die! The teaching of the sages of the stars is this: how to become eternal pillars of the Temple of God and live forever!

Ps: for several years I have established this knowledge about Sirius in numerous crop circle formations, with emphasis on two annual dates:

     Around July 7th (Sol-Sirius alignment) Around July 25th or 26th (the heliac birth of Sirius).

Blessed are our stellar parents. I greet you in the Name of Christ.


JP on 07.07.2023

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Crop Circles-UFO's-Ancient Mysteries-Scientific Speculations

023-07-08 My report regarding norton2023a 

Hello again dear readers and especially dear writers, With my last report, published here on 2023-06-29;- comments 

I want to note my bit harsh way to write. Was not been meant to stress you, but was meant to open your eyes, to see the realitity which we all live in. Simply think why I wrote such ‚strong‘ style - it was just for reasons of Truth and of Love, how strange it may appear for you - otherwise I would just be indifferent, but that’s not me.

Sure I appreciate all the souls who not only wrote so nice reports with included drawn images done by their own, I really embrace those souls who have spent their energy, their time to draw these wonderful images for to fill all the geometric figures with their own and handmade lines, created with carefully moving the mouse, line by line, which takes a lot of time and concentration just to fill the images with colours. I like it so very much! A wonderful work you have done - thanks again!

Want to note and to tell you: With every stroke by own hand in all your concentration by drawing all the lines, line for line - you are more and more connected with the universe. Because you are IN when doing it and with your real concentration you really build up a real connection to universe.!!! And all your efforts and concentration will not only be noted there, it even will be very much appreciated!!!

And that is because your Love and your Truth, which you ‚send‘ into universe by simply doing IT - drawing. Therefore your efforts will be ‚received‘ - and please, dear souls, believe this because it is the truth. So keep on doing your outstanding wonderful work - it IS connection! Thanks again..... You help the world to ‚lift up‘ which is so urgently required...........

Now coming to the sent real crop-circle - which is really an outstanding one, even more it is! Without any doubts, THIS (real) crop-circle is just a masterpiece, a real ‚Art-Work‘ - I just bow my head in front of these artists, I even call it the CROPCIRCLE OF THE YEAR

 Big thanks here to the drone-pilot for his wonderful shot !

And it is a true masterpiece, made by the brothers and sisters in universe, so excellent and precise, exactly, just wonderful!
My big thanks to the brothers and sisters. When viewing this masterpiece, there is a maximal deviation in drawing of less 0.5 % plus or minus in its complexity. This cannot be made by humans even not in the imagination in mind, and absolutely not to be drawn on just a sheet of paper, because it’s too complex even for the humans ability of imagination. Its just outstanding, in its geometry it is unbelievable how to create such a complete and complex image!

And not only that. There is more to see!!! And I am so happy to see their new image, because it is a clear REPLY to my last report with added images ‚the Earth which moves away from the centre of Harmony‘ and with my added ‚sign‘ which I use to sign my reports since a time ago, see my last report:
comments.html - 2023-06-29

All that, the ‚Earth moving‘ with my added sign, it was long awaited from ‚them‘ to see me alive, to keep on being into the topics, to see that I’m absolutely right with my ‚harsh‘ but real and love and truth-grounded report, they decided to send a SIGN, a REAL sign...... And so, by their obviously coded reply, I need to concentrate to SEE the reply, the answer, the meaning.
I finally understood, so I began to ‚prove‘ to YOU readers, the truth of that DIALOGUE between them and me - just see the images - and see how I create an overlay with the original crop-circle-masterpiece: 



 And now the overlay which I created: 1st the original image, 2nd added with my Seed-of-Life+Love+Peace-black-white-image, placed in the upper left of the original image for a better over-view - for avoiding possible confusion. 

This in summary represents not only the situation in universe, to see that there is a big space of harmony, it even shows ME (as living and knowing and connected (!) part, depicted with my sign) and You inside the universe - we all ARE in the centre of Harmony, but need to keep concentrated and very carefully efforts to just - STAY there.

All this is the ‚masterpiece‘ telling................. So have a good time - best wishes to all of you 

Gerd Estrup

We were so right! The unknown creators confirm

(CLICK) for higher resolution 

Do not miss to check above essential keys and keywords for a deeper understanding of the directly related Allan King Way formation. Johann v. Diehsa MSD (editor)


The arc intersections seem to be frayed, suggesting possible human activity. If you look at the crop circle for a few seconds you will see a complete circle toward the center. This represents the Earth. The six flowers surrounding the Earth each have one petal missing. The missing petals represent the loss of vegetation or food crops, around the globe due to the comet impacts, specifically the first six impacts, since the last one is in a desert location. See Section 13, Food Crop Changes, page 160, of my free ebook. 


The crop circle reported at Norton plantation on July 7, 2023 is very accurate and the center circle has no center mark. What humans could do this? I think this formation is extraterrestrial. It is addressed to the skeptics who have asserted for decades that there is no such thing as a crop circle made by aliens. The perimeter of this crop circle has patterns that evoke in particular the leaf of cannabis. How many times have I read "what are you smoking?" when a person comments on a crop circle made by an alien. The paradox is that the ET authors of many crop circles in the UK have often maintained the ambiguity by making centered formations encouraging the VECA report in its thesis denying alien crop circles. Currently, the ETs make crop circles that are often centered but very neat. The evidence is lacking for skeptics, scientists, journalists overwhelmed with information. At the same time, a very courageous whistleblower broke the silence in the USA at the beginning of June. Colonel David Grusch who worked in space intelligence told the excellent journalist Ross Coulthard that the Pentagon has debris from crashed spacecraft as well as the corpses of extraterrestrial pilots. He also said that aliens have killed humans. He also has strong suspicions that people have been killed into keeping quiet about these secret programs. He will soon be auditioned in the Senate. The aliens seem like kids who have done bad things. They stand straight in their well-polished little shoes. I'm not fooled, the Pentagon either, the farmers whose animals are killed by aliens either, the abductees who suffer either... 

More information on my blog OLCPIE and my Youtube channel. 

Jean-Charles Bourquin, Whistleblower in France

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Mark Fussell & Stuart Dike