The Zodiacal Matrix and the triple key of OM in
the new crop circle!
And today, July 17, 2022, a new crop
circle really appeared! In Barbury Castle, UK.
A web-shaped 12
hexagonal pattern.
Or nine hexagons overlapping from the central
hexagon, creating a web of 96 right triangles. This creates the pattern
6-9 (Sun and Moon or Yang-Yin in numeral form) because there are nine
hexagons (six-sided polygon). And the total of 96 triangles is the
inverse of 69.
A binary of energies combined in this beautiful
I immediately thought of the combination “Web”,
Destiny, Zodiac (12 signs), planets and Astral Map of influences, which
weaves the web of humanity's destinies. The Great Matrix of the fates of
men, beasts and gods, worlds and stars. The great hexagon of Creation in
six cosmic periods, attuned to the Cube of Metatron. I'm not
talking about Newspaper Astrology, I'm talking about Hermetic Astrology,
focused on the deep psychology of self-knowledge.
The connection to the twelve-sign zodiac is
immediate, and even a Sun has been drawn in the centre of the formation,
with rays. In antiquity, the twelve-rayed Sun was represented at the
centre of the Zodiac, the planetary matrix of influences being strung
like a web weaving the fate of all men, and here, the symbology of the
Fates is appropriate. The Fates, in Roman mythology (Moiras in
Greek mythology), were daughters of the night (or of Zeus and Themis).
Deities who control the destiny of mortals and determine the course of
human life, deciding matters such as life and death, in a way that not
even Zeus could challenge their decisions. They were three
sisters who determined the fate of both gods and humans. There were
three dismal women, responsible for manufacturing, weaving and cutting
what would be the thread of life for all individuals.
The symbology of the thread of life and the web of
destiny presents itself.
According to the theory that maintains a
relationship between planetary influence and the network of destinies
traced by planetary influences, each of us is like a fly trapped in the
spider's web of destiny, from which no one escapes, fulfilling this
destiny inexorably, something that today in day is often called the
MATRIX (in connection with the film series starring Keanu Reeves). The web reveals how all threads of influences are interwoven within
a mental network that connects all beings at all times on the planet
within a common environment called the Collective Unconscious, where the
warp of destiny is applied in a special way by the cosmic influences.
Noticing the crop circle, he drew a perfect Inner
Sun with twelve rays that extends to the edge of the mandala, drawing
the Zodiac to perfection. But this is only the first
interpretation The other takes us to an extension of the power
name, Om, encoded in the crop circle of last July 12th, five days ago.
A triple key that began in the illustration of Om
and followed in the pattern of the two snakes coiled in the vision of
the crop circle of July 14, and is now completed in the model that
expresses the sacred geometry behind the vibration of the name Om,
according to the principles of Shabda, the Universal Sound. Om is
the seed of sound related to the burst of Creation, the Big Bang itself
that left a kind of echo and reverberation vibration within the great
acoustic box of a closed Universe in which we are all inserted.
Om vibrates in everything and everyone, it is the keynote or fundamental
frequency of the Universe itself running through our body and mind at
all times, and therefore it has been explored in Hinduism as the mantra
of Enlightenment. Its Sanskrit letters are inscribed in the upper
head chakras, Ajna and Sahasrara, the upper brain terminals with gifts
of enlightenment to be developed by the Om techniques, among others. This implies that, according to sacred geometry, the seed mantra Om
draws the matrix of all forms, related to the Hexagon and its
derivatives, such as Metatron's Cube. The Zodiac itself in its web of
influences can be related to the power of Om in this sense.
Still talking about the relationship with the
higher chakras, those that bear the name of Om (Aum) in Sanskrit
inscribed in their “flowers”, the Barbury Castle crop circle relates to
a geometric flower, and can represent the heart chakra (Anahata) which
settles in the heart, and which has twelve petals, because the heart is
our inner Sun, the center of the matrix of our life and its
ramifications in webs of vibration with all other parts of the body… and
the mind!
Anahata Chakra and the heart is our inner Sun, matrix
of Om, it has twelve petals, and the Zodiac has twelve signs, with the
Sun at the center of the matrix, establishing the analogy. This is
the first connection. The second is in the number of shapes inserted
in the Barbury Castle crop circle. Each of the twelve bands of
the crop circle (analogy with the twelve signs) has 8 right triangles
inserted, which makes a total of 8 x 12 = 96 triangles in the outer web
of the inner Sun.
Now, this is the number of petals of the Ajna
chakra, which is on the forehead, where the name AUM (Om) is inscribed. And if I multiply by 10 (96×10 = 960) this will be the number of
petals of the crown chakra, the seventh, which also has twelve inner
petals, totaling 972 petals.
Furthermore, the throat chakra,
Vishudda, has 16 petals, and is the instrument we use to invoke Om and
the Sacred Sound, Shabda, through mantras and prayers. All the
petal numbers of the higher chakras, counting from the heart upwards,
the solar core of Om within us, are in this crop circle (12, 16, 96,
In other words, we had in this crop circle the third
part of the Om (Aum) code that started on July 12th, and continued on
the two snakes of July 14th, ending in the model of Barbury Castle, July
17th. The crop circle analogous to the shape of the head and the
internal pineal gland (according to previous studies) relates to the
first level of human energies, mental level, where the mantra Om applies
(in the two chakras of the head).
The crop circle of the two
coiled serpents aligns with the instinctual center at the base and the
relationship with the Kundalini, the root energy of the tree of life to
be awakened by the breath and the power of Om. And finally, the
hexagonal matrix crop circle, the last one, applies to the heart, the
source of the vibration of Om within us, in our central Sun, which we
must capture and amplify by the use of the word in the mantra).
The idea here is to promote the integration of the
three energy cores (instinctive, emotional and mental) by the power of
Om, creating a perfect realignment in the chakras and a balancing
levelling of the energies that circulate within us, and the aim of all
this is the awakening consciousness in search of Enlightenment.
This is a more complex form of interpretation, which associates several
crop circles within the same period, linking objects within a message
given in parts, as pieces of a much larger set. A triple key of
powerful energies and how to use it in practices was given to us in
these three days of July in the crop circles in sequence. As if the
Aliens really have an interest in teaching humanity to awaken
consciousness (to CONTACT them)!
But the connections don't stop
there. Many studies have already proven that harmonic sounds,
musical frequencies and even words loaded with positivity print harmonic
geometries in the form, for example, of water. The mantra Om (AUM)
itself has already been used in these experiments, drawing the shape of
the hexagonal matrix in the water, as we see in this crop circle.
Researcher Lawrence Blair has already written about
the relationships between vibrations, matter and form, studies on
Cymatics, finding the same thing, namely the power of Om over matter and
its harmonic designs. Researcher Hasn Jenny, many years ago,
built a device called a tonoscope, which was able to transform sounds
into a visual representation, and was surprised when the vibration of
the mantra Om (AUM) became practically identical to that of the sacred
Yantra mantra.
Yantra mantra is a geometric mandala with several
meanings, among them, the harmonic expression of sacred geometry with
the power to restore the pattern of things and energies, especially
applied to the realignment of the human soul in mind and body restored
by its power. And the Yantra mantra is a geometric expression
also derived from the hexagonal matrix, exposed in the Barbury Castle
crop circle. The Yantra Mantra can be composed of overlapping hexagons,
just like in the recent crop circle model.
This means that AUM is really the seed of the
universal Sound, the sound that, before all others, draws the hexagram
matrix in the Cosmos, the macrocosmic Star that creates everything that
Looking at the crop circle again, it has five
geometric levels, from the centre to the periphery. An inner Sun and
four geometric levels with triangular division constructions.
This angular division of the hexagons creates rays (zigzag) in the
course of the five levels, from the inside to the outside, illustrating
the path of the vibrations of OM, which reminded me of the “ray of love”
in the crop circle in code on the 4th of December. June in Owl House,
If the Universe has SEVEN FUNDAMENTAL DIMENSIONS, according
to ancient Cosmology from which comes the knowledge of Shabda (the
Sacred Sound) and Om (AUM), then the nucleus of the crop circle
represents the seventh dimension, where the Sacred Absolute Sun and the
matrix of AUM to propagate in the lower dimensions, sixth, fifth, fourth
and finally the third material dimension, which reaches us where we are,
here and now, revealing the incredible power of OM.
It is as if Om was the first word of God to create
all things, and the echo of Om still reverberates in the Sun, the stars
and our beating heart… and when we practice Om, we are reintegrating
with the cosmic web of interconnected energies. . The message
that remains is that, if Destiny is really a web of programmed causes,
we have been called to be able to change some of these causes through
the awakening of conscience, which places us above the plane of mere
spectators of destiny, with the power of correct decisions. capable of
influencing the matrix of causes in motion. Hence the importance of
self-knowledge in the process and the keys we are given. All this
is really very powerful and wise in this set of integrated and coded
messages from this July week in the English crop circles!
Ps: Yesterday's crop circle in Barbury Castle was
modified this morning by Aliens in a new format! They simply
lowered the plants to half the area of the 96 triangles marked in a new
harmonic pattern indicating movement (48 light triangles + 48 dark
A moving Sun, which could also indicate strong solar
activity soon. Even the Earth can be hit by strong solar winds tomorrow,
July 19, which makes this crop circle, once again, prophetic, like so
many others, when analyzing altered solar behavior. And if the energy is
strong in the Sun, it will also be strong in our hearts due to the
effect of reverberation.
But within our analysis, this mechanism created
even more attunement to the vibratory pattern of OM in the heart within
the 12-petal vortex, Anahata chakra, indicating that the heart's energy
core rotates with force when stimulated by the sacred word of OM. If these messages do not encourage you to practice more and more
awakening your inner Sun through the cosmic resonance of OM
reverberating throughout the universe, nothing else will!
on 07.18.2022
The prophetic crop
circles - a powerful solar flare arrives on Earth tomorrow!
Tomorrow the Earth will be hit by a huge solar storm.
has been an intense period for solar activity. In March 2022, Earth was
hit by separate geomagnetic storms, according to government weather
agencies in the US and UK. While those geomagnetic storms likely did not
cause any damage, they did bring into focus the potential damage that
could come from more powerful storms in the future.
Then, earlier
this month, a G1-class geomagnetic storm hit Earth, causing bright
auroras over Canada. The only problem is that no one saw this storm
coming until it was pretty late. Seven days ago, a giant sunspot and
filaments on the solar surface had astronomers worried about potential
Earth-directed solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) that could
lead to blackouts. Finally, on Friday, it was reported that a large
solar flare had erupted from the Sun, which could cause radio blackouts
in many parts of the world.
A 'direct hit' from a
solar storm
Now, on Saturday, Dr. Tamitha Skov, known as the
“Space Weather Woman,” predicted a “direct hit” from a solar storm on
Tuesday. She took to social media to share the news along with a video
of NASA's prediction model. “Direct hit. A snake-like filament was
released as a large solar storm while in the strike zone on Earth. NASA
predicts impact early July 19. Strong Auroras are possible with this
one, at mid-latitudes.”
“The long snake-shaped filament came out
of the Sun in an impressive ballet. The magnetic orientation of this
solar storm heading towards Earth will be difficult to predict. Level G2
(possibly G3) conditions may occur if this storm's magnetic field is
oriented to the south!” With the Sun now in an active phase of
its 11-year solar cycle, incidents like these are expected to increase.
The question now becomes: how harmful are they really? Typically, they
can cause significant blackouts in GPS navigation systems, which can end
up disrupting the travel of small aircraft and ships. Other than that,
however, there's not much to worry about.
****************************************************** ******
I've already lost count of how many crop circles with solar vortex
structure similar to the recent Barbury Castle object I interpreted as
signs of solar activity right after the object's appearance, with an
incredible margin of accuracy. All that was needed was a solar hexagon
(this is the first line of interpretation of this geometry at the level
of space cosmology) and very strong solar winds on their way to Earth
are expected for tomorrow. I've interpreted many figures before with
this hexagonal shape in vortices of movement with the same hits on the
issue of solar activity exalted in the same period of the crop circle.
And tomorrow will be no different.
JP on 18.07.2022
Sun, before and after -
crop circle, before and after
The Barbury Castle crop
circle appeared in England on July 17, and the next morning, July 18,
was modified.
Hexagonal pattern crop circles are usually
associated with the Sun (from the cosmological point of view of
interpretations) and when this crop circle demonstrates some vortex or
energy of movement, it usually means intense solar activity, either
explosions and ejections, or from coronal holes and solar winds. . Because, between the 19th and 20th of July, two days AFTER the crop
circle, the Sun appeared with huge holes, which allows the escape of
solar winds that reach the Earth with strong bursts of energy.
Take a closer look at the crop circle, before and after. Before, the
hexagram was whole and uniform, with its 96 inner triangles drawn in
geometry. Then, the next day, half of these triangles (48) were
altered, as if suggesting HOLES in the solar surface. The crop
circle showed this BEFORE the appearance of the huge HOLES on the solar
surface. If it were human work, how could humans predict this
behaviour of the Sun two days in advance?
There is only one
possible authorship here: "they are messages from authors endowed
with high knowledge of the Universe"
JP on 21.07.2022
The great Zodiacal Matrix in the crop circle
This magnificent crop circle, phase 1, from July 17, 2022, could not
illustrate with such a precise and perfect geometry the design of the
Zodiacal Matrix on three levels:
a) the base hexagonal
structure, analogous to Metatron's Cube, the cosmic matrix, symbolized
in the six cosmic days of Creation.
b) the nine chained hexagons,
which represent the nine heavens of the spirit and their planetary
rulerships in layers, according to the models of ancient Cosmology.
c) the twelve zodiacal bands within a resulting final pattern that
looked like a spider's web (the warp of the fabric of Fate).
Abstract of the model, the Earth is surrounded by planetary influences
chained in a zodiacal plan of twelve temperaments (signs) in an
evolutionary scale of nine layers (the nine heavens of consciousness),
according to its angels, the planetary rulers, before the Source, the
central to it all. All crop circle seasons are marked by these returns
to ancient wisdom through the repetition of the same symbols and
archetypes that guided the peoples of the past to the mysteries of
JP on 22.07.2022