Stonehenge Visitors Centre, Nr Stonehenge, Wiltshire. Reported 30th June

Map Ref: SU0969543090

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Updated Wednesday 3rd July  2024


01/07/2024 01/07/2024 30/06/2024 03/07/2024 30/06/2024 03/07/2024 03/07/2024



The approaching flaming star represented in the 2024 crop circle

Even with such a weak season, with only two objects so far, the pentagram could not fail to appear, since it appears every year as a kind of signature of the authors of the crop circle messages, a sign that identifies Venus-Sirius in ancient times. And other arguments relate this crop circle to the star. Starting with today's date, June 30, 2024, which adds up to 17 (3+6+2+2+4). The number 17 in the Tarot speaks of the arcane of the star.

And also, by the geometry of the star with five undulating arms: each arm has three semi-circles with a small circle at the tip: 5 x 3 = 15 undulations. Now, the square of 15 is 225, which, in days, marks precisely the orbital period of the planet Venus (224.7 days).

We then have a star and a design of oscillating rays, like fire (the flaming swords of the high archangels of the Universe are represented in exactly the same way).

The fire star, first of all, is a classic attribution of the planet Venus, when it is very bright in the sky, either rising in the morning or setting after the Sun. A fire star appearing in the Stonehenge visitor center. So, it is a visiting fire star (from the solar system) by the indirect reference of the location where it appeared.

And one of its points was placed very close to a natural circular formation of the field, which can represent both the Earth and the Sun, on the path of approach of the moving star, releasing great energy. A red or brown dwarf star, invisible to the naked eye and which emits infrared radiation. Not a planet (Nibiru, as many think) but the object is actually a star, the second Sun, a small and dense star called Nemesis, as the image confirms (because it is the geometric representation of a star, not a planet).

And everything indicates that it is getting closer and closer. And in the Apocalypse, Absinthe is the name of a fiery star, exactly as it was portrayed in this new crop circle. The reality of the fiery star that is approaching Earth will soon be seen with the naked eye

10 And the third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. 11 And the name of the star is called Wormwood, and a third of the waters became wormwood, and many men died from the waters, because they were made bitter. Revelation 8: 10-11
JP June 30, 2024

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Crop Circles-UFO's-Ancient Mysteries-Scientific Speculations

This circle isn’t completely symmetrical, a characteristic of true crop circles. The center circle is Comet B in the process of losing its first five largest fragments. Each fragment has a timing indication of three half circles, indicating the fragments take about three-fourths of a rotation of Comet B to completely separate from the parent body. It is unlikely that all five separate simultaneously. Earlier crop circles such as GBR (96/07/22), p. 37, GBR ((08/07/26). p. 45, and ITA (05/06/24), p. 85 also depict this situation. The page numbers refer to my free eBook, which can be downloaded at
Kenneth Heck

i found something very interesting in the new crop circle. You find the info in the pictures below. Here comes my explanation:


This is what the circle looks like from above. Fascinating at first glance. I did the work of drawing a geometry into the formation. Anyone who deals a little with sacred geometry and the initiation theory sees the pentagons relatively quickly. However, the distances look relatively asymmetrical. You don't really recognize a logic at second glance. At third glance, something incredible is revealed. Take a look 😊 at this. And now the fourth look: If you take the picture and overlap it with the circle on the field, you will be amazed for several minutes. Hard to believe... What a blessing to be able to dance the pentagram through the gift of BeinsaDuno (master from bulgaria, who brought us the paneurythmia).

Bernhard Wirth






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