Field Barn, Nr Winterbourne Bassett, Wiltshire. Reported 4th June

Map Ref: SU1113574574

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Updated  Saturday 10th June 2023


10/06/2023 05/06/2023 04/06/2023 07/06/2023 07/06/2023 10/06/2023 04/06/2023

The magnificent pictogram crop circle 2023 - the return to origins 

It happened as I predicted.

June 4th, celebrated Sunday in England, whose fields are the pages of the great crop circle message book, and which, since 1990, has drastically changed its pattern of images, using pictograms of different models to send to the world a series of codes in axes with astronomical diagrams accompanied by some special runes, which evoke the mysterious alphabet from the trees, the Ogham runes.



Ogam or Ogham was an alphabet used originally in Old Irish, and later in Old Irish and Pictish to a lesser extent. Ogam is sometimes called the "Celtic tree alphabet". The word is pronounced in Old Irish and Modern Irish.

Many crop circles in the past used this alphabet, and the style is preserved in the current lineup. 

Pictograms 1990 and the first highlighted pictogram 11-11

Thus, this new pictogram of June 4, 2023 recomposes some models of that year, the first of which, and memorable, took place on May 23, 1990, under the universal code of timeless synchronicities:


This pattern was repeated several times, both in that year and in subsequent years, and the greatest of all appeared in 1999, June 12, Wiltshire. However, in that year of 1990, two practically identical pictograms were repeated on the same day, July 11th in England. 

Detail: on this day, a powerful solar eclipse took place, which even had references associated with Mayan prophecies. Thus, the pictogram proved to be an astronomical diagram of alignments and other important celestial events. That's because the solar eclipse of July 11, 1991 was considered the largest solar eclipse of that previous millennium. Called "the millennium eclipse", it happened outside Brazilian territory, in several American nations, such as Hawaii (USA), Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama and Colombia, which could have the sensation of night in broad daylight, in the longest solar eclipse of the millennium (6 minutes and 53 seconds). 

It was widely reported at the time, which explains the care taken by these pictograms to point it out in the fields of England. At least two 1990 pictograph styles were reproduced in this new lineup in the 2023 season, the July 11 duo and the July 28 pictograph. 

So, apart from my correct "intuitive prediction" (there are times when I feel the crop circles coming, telepathy things), yes, in addition to that aspect, would we have on this June 4th some important planetary alignment justifying the message? Certainly, I found some astronomical factors that underpin this new model. 

Notice that the pictogram was arranged in the same orientation as the lines of the plantation, where the farmers transit, which is not new in the crop circle style. But today, returning to the astronomical theme, we have two alignments in the sky.

An exact conjunction between Mercury and Uranus and an exact opposition between Sun and Moon (Full Moon) on this June 4, 2023. In fact, another exact opposition (180°) also occurred on this day in the sky, between Venus and Pluto.

Comparison between two 1990 pictograms and the current 2023 pictogram

Here we already have the visualization of these most important alignments in the given pictogram signaling the skies of today's date. A way of writing astrological coordinates in pictographic style. Runes, Portals and Alignments

At first sight, these runes give a resemblance to keys in the object, which, considering involved cosmic alignments, may be talking about Portals (keys open doors), and declaring that cosmic alignments are these keys that naturally open portals between aligned stars . And one of the circles, at one end, with rings around it, really does look like a portal.

In terms of ogham runes, three side scratches can represent two letters: T and F.
A single risk represents the letter H (conjugated to T) or B (conjugated to F).

H T // B F
Many things can be associated with these letters.

But considering that the letter T has appeared numerous times in other formations, even directly, then I understand that it would be a double T signed here, T for Thor (Valiant Thor) who I believe has been involved with the phenomenon since the beginning. And also considering the four circles on the axis of the pictogram, they can first of all mean four days, which brings us to the next 8th of June (national holiday, Corpus Christi),

The pictogram could be informing us about some impact event happening on the 8th of June. And/or probably a new crop circle.
But if four circles also represent four months ahead, that takes us to October, when we will have the next annular solar eclipse of the year, on October 14th.

Note the central part, a larger circle of six symmetrical radii (considering the ends of the axis where the circle is inserted) that symbolizes the Sun, connected to another circle, with two halves, light and dark, that evidently symbolizes the Moon, which it can represent both the full moon on June 4th, when the pictogram appeared, and the great solar eclipse of October 14th, 2023, 4 months from now.

Eclipses with portal potential, gravitational energy alignments that always impact Earth. When then these forks at the ends become like keys. Three-prong wrenches turning a space-time mechanism, hidden from us but known and usable to them. 

And to finish this study, remembering that the first two crop circles of 2023 spoke of an object moving in the sky bringing solar disturbances, it is good to be aware of this data. 

2023 crop circles, Italy and England, May 30th and 28th

Signals of cosmic events, eclipses, portals and perhaps a date already set in all of this, in four days, or four months, movements in the sky, stars and UFOs approaching... Deepen the study and learn a little more about this fascinating phenomenon that began in the form of coded messages in 1990, 33 years ago. Quite a significant age, by the way...

JP on 05.06.2023


The Name of GOD written in the pictogram crop circle 2023?

June 4th, Winterbourne Bassett, Wiltshire UK, four circles in pictogram style, according to the origins of the phenomenon, England, 1990. A key on the 4th of 4 circular characters (which point to astronomical coordinates, as we saw in the previous post) and which have strange runes similar to keys, which bear resemblance to the runes of the OGHAM alphabet. However, even greater similarity happens with the Phoenician alphabet.

And several other arguments inserted in this pictogram, in addition to 4 circles aligned in a single "body", appear to reinforce this theory. The Phoenician alphabet is composed of 22 signs that allow the elaboration of the phonetic representation of any word. Their specific symbols formed letters that go from right to left. The Phoenician alphabet was adopted by peoples of other civilizations, reaching the Canaanites and Hebrews.

That is, it is older than Hebrew itself, the language that wrote the Tetragrammaton in the time of Moses. Moreover, the Phoenician alphabet would be the matrix of the main alphabets of today. And we noticed that there are some letters of this alphabet inserted in that pictogram.


The duplicate letter HE is there, and the letter VAV, in the shape of a Y, can be found in the strokes of the circle representing the Sun, in a hexagonal pattern (6), this is because the Sun, in the Kabbalah tree, occupies the sixth sphere or EON (Tipheret). The letter YOD is a subtle modification of HE.

In addition, we have the Sun-Moon central axis, with the Sun in this circle of 6 rays and the Moon with two halves, one light and the other dark (duality, full and new, 2), creating the pattern 26, which is the number of the Name of YHWH = 10+5+6+5. And finally, I also find an analogy with the four inner stars of our Solar System: Sun, Moon, Venus and Earth.

Sun and Moon are in the center of the axis, connected, while the ends that receive the character He (the 3-prong fork) would represent Earth and Venus. The one end circle that has two rings around it would be Venus (the Sun's second orbit) and the other end circle that has no rings, Earth.

Sun and Moon, masculine and feminine alchemist arguments, as well as Earth and Venus, with Earth considered the ruling star of Taurus, a more masculine sign (Adam) in relation to Libra, its other half and which, governed by Venus (Eve ) has a much more feminine brand. The double HE thus marking Venus and Earth, which were considered twin stars in antiquity.

And the double HE really represents, within the Holy Tetragrammaton YHWH, the twin souls, the double breath of the spirit polarized in male and female. This "kabbalistic equation" seems to me to bring information about the origins of our own humanity closely associated with the Venusians, considered our brothers from the "primordial paradise" before the original fall of the human race.

Adam, the masculine, associated with Earth, our planet that generated him, and Eve, the feminine, associated with the Venus archetype of feminine beauty. This matches the end circle representing Earth, which is given an extra dash (which the end circle representing Venus does not have), which represents masculine identity.
This is one of the many meanings of the Name of GOD YHWH linked to the mysteries of the creation of humanity from the male and female gender.

Iod, Sol, is Adam.
Vav, Moon, is Eve.
The double HE, your twin spirits interacting throughout body, mind, soul and nature.

This explains why the crop circles have always received Venusian signatures in their messages, which makes the Venusians our brothers from YHWH, the Lord God, who called himself the bright MORNING STAR (Venus). Revelation 22:16. What connects humanity to the Venusians at the origins of Creation is contained in the mystery of that Name, which deals with a true Kabbalistic and planetary equation of the hidden mysteries.

JP on 06.06.2023

The Cosmology of God's Name in Other Ancient Pictograms

The recent Winterbourne Bassett, Wiltshire UK pictogram of the 4th of June 2023 evoked many similar models from earlier seasons, not only those listed from the inaugural year 1990, but later years including very similar models. 

I separated three models (among many others) from the year 1992 alone. They all have those forks in the shape of keys, which illustrate those letters of the name of God IHVH in Phoenician characters, older than the Hebrew itself from which the Kabbalah of the Name was developed.

Pictograms linking circles through axes, planets and the Sun in astronomical alignment coordinates such as eclipses and other rarer planetary alignments. In the models below, one of them has the same four-circle structure as the most recent pictogram, featuring the Y-shaped letter that means, in Phoenician, the letter V (Vav) of the Name IHVH, in addition to the double He (the letter which looks like a three-pronged fork).

Curious is the model that features a key in the center with the letters He-Vav, and two circles at the ends (which I interpret as being the active cosmology between Earth and Venus) connected by a strap. A design that seems to confirm what the ancients said about Venus, as being Earth's twin planet, and that everything that happens on one has repercussions on the other.

In any case, it is interesting to notice this pictographic style of the oldest crop circles, which was recently revisited in the 2023 season, as keys to a sophisticated cosmology of the Word operating in the Universe, and making each planet, star and galaxy in motion within its system, one letter of the Name of God, and one word of his Almighty Word! And in our inner Solar System, the Sun represents IOD, the Moon represents VAV, and the twin planets Venus and Earth, the double HE, polarization of the energy of the great father and the great mother. The closure of the NAME as an equation of four forces is completed on Earth in the form of conscious human life. Just as God created Adam and Eve in the original paradise. Each entity represented by a star on a cosmic scale. Who would imagine so much?

JP on 09.06.2023



The spirals in the nature that regulate logarithmic spirals show a proportion of a value close to 2/3 of their cross sections. This value is also seen in a CC from 240722 with octagonal structure. One can see this approximately in pics of some spacecrafts.


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Crop Circles-UFO's-Ancient Mysteries-Scientific Speculations

This crop circle, typical of the nineties, is undoubtedly man–made due to the unevenness of the flattened crop, the defective geometry of the first figure, and the incorrect sequence of the four figures. 

The crop circle tells the partial story of a comet selected to impact Earth. In the first figure the comet is shoved out of orbit by the aliens, as indicated by the straight line near the bottom;  also its rotation is stopped in three adjustments so travel through the solar system will be simpler. The second phase (the third figure) shows unavoidable loss of matter from the comet’s surface as it gains velocity. This will be the origin of the coma.  The larger size may mean the comet is now a little closer to Earth. The third phase is the fourth figure displaying a two ringed coma. This is usually occurring between Mars and the Asteroid Belt. The fourth phase is the second figure where the side facing the Sun is quite hot and the coma much more developed.  At this time rotation may be instituted to distribute the heat more evenly across the comet. Go to to download my free ebook containing  over 2,800 individually interpreted crop circles.

Kenneth Heck 






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Mark Fussell & Stuart Dike