Report Uster/Switzerland Crop
Checking your website on regular basis, I read
about the new crop circle finding in Uster, Switzerland. I was
interested in what the local news would write about this phenomena and
checked several sites who basically had all the same news coverage,
nearly word by word.
At first the news coverage was neutral, even more pro believing in non
human creation. Here are a couple of links to the local news:
The farmer stated in an interview with the local
news, that the crop circle did not appear late in the evening the day
before he found the crop circle on his field. Early morning the day
after, he found the large crop circle and said, that the precision of
the crop circle was astonishing and he believed that no human could
have made this by hand.
Just a few hours later all the local news would
explain that the crop circle was "just a hoax" and "created" by the
team members of the Swiss magazin called IZZY (
and the creation of the crop circle was made using ladders and some
rope at night with the approval from the farmer.
Cedrik Schild, a team member of the Magazine,
hosted the video clip "Making of" which was also part of the news
coverage update.
In the approx. 2 minutes "making of" video clip the
team of IZZY showed scenes of humans standing in a field with
flashlights in their hands and masks covering their faces, but never
showed real evidence of the crop circle creation. In no scene you
would see the team run around with the ladders and ropes creating the
crop circle. For a second or so, IZZY also showed some "grafic image"
of the crop circle preparations drawings on some PC as kind of "hard
facts" of "proof of their crop circle creation". They stated that the
creation took them several time for the preparation and precision
working on the field. Also in the video to see, they had an interview
with the owner of the field BEFORE creating the crop circle, talking
with the owner about their idea and asking the farmer for approval to
use his field for creating a large crop circle. The so called "farmer"
stated in the video that he would play along with their hoax and would
not "know about anything" if asked by the media. One single question
would easily debunk the so called creators: why would the team members
of IZZY actually wear masks, if they had the approval from the
farmer?? That does not make any sense at all... Another question: why
would the farmer not allow people walk on his field fearing that his
harvest would be damaged, but allowing to make a huge crop circle and
not being compensated for the damage?
In all of the magazines team members statements in
the news, there was not one single hard fact evidence at all, that
truly proves that the IZZY Mag. team are the real crop circle
Here is the updated news coverage:
Feeling denounced by this kind of hardcore news coverage, in which
their message is clearly that all the people who believe in such
phenomenas seem to be abnormal, it was my intention not to take this
way of news coverage for granted and I wouldn't want to watch being
insulted indirectly.
I then contacted the magazine IZZY by email asking
them to send me some more information (footage) of the creation of the
crop circle on June 7th in the morning. As I did not receive any
information, I send another inquiry later in the afternoon again. Up
till today I have not received any information or statement from IZZY
Mag. I have then tried to check from top to bottom which agency was
mainly responsible for releasing the news. I send an email to the news
agency SDA (
and received an email from Mr. Winfried Kösters, Chief Editor of the
german speaking SDA today, on 8th of June with following statement:
"Dear Mr. Legato, Keystone-SDA did not report about the Uster crop
circles. Therefore we cannot comment on this. Best regards." I
answered to his email asking if he could inform me which agency is
responsible for this news coverage and received another statement
shortly after: "Dear Mr. Legato, I cannot help you any further. Sorry.
Best regards." This information seems also very unlikely as the news
agencies are connected well as in any other branch. I then tried to
find out who is mainly responsible for the news on the Uster crop
circle. On the homepage of the online news agency Blick (
I registered for being able to post comments. During registration I
had to agree to all kinds of terms and found out that behind the
company lies the large Axel Springer agency - Bingo! The news
coverage is run by the well known Axel Springer Agency. For
Switzerland it is Ringier-Axel Springer Agency ( I send them an Email asking for a
clear statement as well as for sending evidence that proves that the
crop circle was created by IZZY Mag. I have also send the to IZZY Mag.
using the CC function. Up till now I did not receive any answer at
all. Not from Axel Springer and still not from IZZY Mag.
For me personally I believe that this could be,
once again, a clear propaganda trying to brainwash the public and
hounding all people who are either believers or witnesses of
phenomenas to "protect the system" (which clearly means that we
protect a bunch of Elite people who protect their power and money at
any cost).
Where lies the benefit for IZZY Mag.? They profit
becoming well known over night, boosting their brand awareness without
investing any money and creating a large fan-base. Lots of people
think that it is great or funny what they have "created" and those
people could become their next customers. They have already created a
nation wide super boost for their company and even over the boarders
of Switzerland. Where lies the benefit for news agencies like Reuters,
Axel Springer, etc.? Clearly by denouncing people like you and me, the
ones trying to investigate crop circles or other phenomenas and find
answers. They benefit by keeping the publics mouth shut, making fun of
this very important subject and therefore making the lives of you and
me very difficult trying to talk about this subject, even with close
loved ones.
Faking crop circles has a very destructive effect
as the lions share of the public's opinion will keep the way it is,
which makes the lives of the investigators and scientists very hard to
fight against and become recognized.
Roy Legato