Macmillan Way, Nr Tarlton, Gloucestershire. United Kingdom. Reported 19th April.

Map Ref: ST949996

Updated Saturday 25th April  2015


19/04/15 19/04/15 22/04/15 22/04/15 22/04/15 25/04/15

Further studies of a “lotus flower” which was drawn in crops at Macmillan Way on April 19, 2015, and its possible relation to a 6.6-magnitude earthquake, one day later near Taiwan 

A new crop picture at Macmillan Way on April 19, 2015 was laid down very delicately in the field, without any noticeable signs of local human construction. Several insightful comments by Graham Timmins (see fieldreports) or Mat Gyro (see comments), after they inspected this crop picture first-hand on the ground, were as follows: 

“When flying (the drone) low to the ground, there appeared to be very little damage to the crop. In fact, it looked as though the crop was still very much alive, unlike in normal circles which we visit, where plants have been crunched into the ground, or have died.”  

“None of the leaves were flattened to the ground, and very few were even bent or depressed. Rather, some leaves within this crop pattern were just slightly wilted, and tinged with pale brown or yellow edges, almost as if they had been slightly scorched. The affected leaves were often just one or two, out of a whole clump of leaves from one plant. Neighbouring leaves remained untouched. Worth a visit, especially for anyone who still thinks crop circles are made with planks and bits of string!”  

Primary criteria for assessing any new crop picture as “human made” or “not human made”  

When studying any new crop picture, and assessing its possible origin as “human made” or “not human made”, a close inspection of the patterned crop, before any visitors have walked on it, is essential (see for example Fringe2014review or fringe2014x or fringe2015b). We know what human-made crop pictures look like, and how long it takes for a team of experts to make one, while using rope and boards (see fringe2013s). For human-made crop pictures, the patterned crop is generally crushed or flattened to the ground, because one of more human crop artists have planked it down with force, or have walked on it. In this case, quite to the contrary, the first investigators saw very little damage to the patterned crop, and certainly no “crushing” or “flattening”.  

Because this small crop picture seems not to have been made by local humans on the ground, and because its nearby landscape images seem to have anticipated a 6.6-magnitude earthquake one day later near Taiwan (see taiwan-earthquake), then it is worth a careful study. Future knowledge of an earthquake is something that no ordinary person, living on Earth today, could possibly achieve (see slides near the top of comments). Landscape concerns are also important when studying new crop pictures, since these images appear meant to be seen from space.  

The beautiful image of a “lotus flower” 

Our best aerial image of the new crop picture at Macmillan Way is shown below, thanks to excellent drone photography by Mr. and Mrs. Gyro (see the-flower-of-life):  

We can see right away that it resembles a “flower”, but other details are hard to discern without careful study. This is because those winter-wheat plants were shaped delicately by unknown energies, without any “flattening” or “crushing” as for human-made crop pictures.  

With the help of Anne Stallybrass, I carefully placed white or blue circles over various features of this new crop picture, to help us see them more clearly. This overlay is shown on the right above.  Our immediate impression is that of a “lotus flower”.  

Any lotus flower shows two rows of staggered, overlapping “petals” around the outside, just as seen in the crop picture. Any lotus flower also shows a large, round “pod” in its centre which holds seeds. Finally any lotus flower shows four oval-shaped leaves or “sepals”, just below its many petals. These resemble four “oval” shapes which were drawn in the crop picture near its centre, in the shape of a cross.  

Do the extra-terrestrials regard us as “lotus eaters”? 

When we looked in the landscape to see where this crop picture was drawn, using Google Earth, we got a real surprise! There we can see the image of a man with “short-cropped hair”, “two eyes” and a “beard”, who is eating a “lotus flower”:  

This new crop picture was drawn just next to the man’s “mouth”. Such a humorous image reminds us of the story of “lotus eaters” from ancient Greece. Lotus fruits and flowers were a primary food of the island, and were narcotic, thereby causing people to sleep in peaceful apathy (see Lotus-eaters).  

Do the extra-terrestrial crop artists think that Earth humans are like “lotus eaters”? Do we metaphorically “sleep in peaceful apathy”, while eating good food, drinking alcohol or watching TV? Do we seldom concern ourselves with serious matters, or with potential dangers that might arise?  

Looking again at the man who is “eating a lotus flower” in the slide above, we can see that his body has been “broken in half” at the waist due to some trauma. One of his two feet have been “twisted backward”. Yet he seems not to care, because he is without cares as a “lotus eater”!  

Landscape image of a “Buddhist monk” off the “coast of China”  

Looking further away in the landscape, using Google Earth, we found next the image of a “Buddhist monk praying” off the “coast of China”:  

This was where a 6.6-magnitude earthquake struck on the following day of April 20, 2015, just slightly east of Taiwan (see a “red teardrop” in the slide above). 

A “lotus flower clock”?  

Studying the new crop picture more carefully, we can see 14 large “white” circles around the outside. When combined with one large “blue” circle in the centre, and with one small “blue” circle below, we can count 30 symbols in total around the outside:                                                                                                     

There would be 28 “flower petals” in total (arranged into two staggered rings of 14), one central “seed pod”, and one outer “thin stem”. Such artistic details are evidently meant to describe a “lotus flower”.  

More surprisingly, we can see that four central “sepals” were drawn slightly offset from its outer “thin stem” by an angle of (360o/ 28) = 13o. This crop picture appeared during April, so we might associate “four” inner sepals with a “fourth” month of the year. Likewise we can count 30 symbols in total around the outside, as 28 “petals” plus a central “seed pod” and an outer “thin stem”. There are 30 days in the month of April. Might those 30 outer symbols represent “30 days”?  

If this interpretation is valid, then a slight offset of four inner “sepals” from an outer “thin stem” (marked by a yellow line in the slide above) could suggest “one day”. There was a 6.6-magnitude earthquake near Taiwan, just one day after this crop picture appeared. Furthermore, this crop picture was drawn in the broad landscape context of a “Buddhist monk”, who appears to be praying just off the “coast of China”.  

A more definite elaboration of the “lotus flower clock” is shown below. By this hypothesis, the crop picture in its entirely might represent “month 4 of April, days 9 to 30”, plus several days in May:  

We would start counting on day 9 (marked in yellow), when the first crop picture of 2015 appeared near Barbury Castle. The second crop picture of 2015 then appeared on day 19 (marked in blue) at Macmillan Way. Finally on day 20 (marked again in yellow), there was a 6.6-magnitude earthquake near Taiwan. What might happen as we proceed into the month of May?  

Can we find any other evidence to support the “earthquake” interpretation?  

This is an interesting hypothesis, but can we find any other evidence, which might link the crop picture of April 19 to specific pre-knowledge of an earthquake, one day later on April 20? Well, when we “flip” the image of this crop picture in its landscape setting by 180o, we can see the slightly humorous image of a man “falling backwards into a hole” during an earthquake:  

How clever is that? We can still see the “Buddhist monk praying”, but now he appears upside-down. The force of explosion of an “earthquake” is suggested by a large, white “explosive” motif at centre left.  

Thinking about the beached dolphins? 

In this “flipped over” view, the new crop picture at Macmillan Way was drawn just over that falling man’s “head”:  

Another surprise! It was drawn within the somewhat-smaller landscape image of a “dolphin”. Thus while falling in an earthquake, this distressed man seems to be thinking: “Why didn’t we listen to the dolphins?”  

Ten days earlier on April 10, 2015, over a hundred melon-headed dolphins died in a mass stranding along the coast of Japan (see mass-whale-beaching-fuels-unscientific-japan-quake-fears). That was the same beach where fifty melon-headed dolphins died in a mass stranding on March 4, 2011, one week before the Fukushima earthquake of March 11, 2011. This particular species of dolphin is very sensitive to faint undersea sound waves, which may precede a major earthquake.  

A “lotus flower” near the “tail” of a landscape “dolphin”  

Looking more closely at this “flipped over” view, we can see that the new crop picture near Macmillan Way was drawn near a dolphin’s “tail”:  

What could be more beautiful as landscape art? If you download this “dolphin” slide, and flip it over by 180o, then you can see their alternative image of a “man eating a lotus flower”.  

Very clever landscape imagery was used at Macmillan Way on April 19, 2015 

The landscape imagery which was chosen for this crop picture was very clever indeed! On a broad scale, we can see a “Buddhist monk praying off the coast of China”. When we flip that image over, we can see a “man falling into a hole during an earthquake”. On a fine scale, we can see a “man eating a lotus flower”. When we flip that image over, we can see a “dolphin” with a “lotus flower” near its “tail”.  

The 6.6-magnitude earthquake near Taiwan on April 20, 2015 was not very serious. It caused little loss of property or of human life. Could there be a second, more powerful earthquake in the same vicinity soon? Why are the crop artists making so much fuss, over a minor geological event which barely made worldwide news?  

Two related crop pictures from the summer of 2014: dolphins and earthquakes  

Two crop pictures from July of 2014, drawn in the same region of Gloucestershire, seem to have predicted similar events for April or May of 2015. Their details are too complex to be shown here, yet we can summarize their general features. One at Quenington on July 26, 2014 was drawn within the landscape image of a “beached dolphin”. There was a time-code nearby for “4-1-0” or April 10, when those 160 melon-headed dolphins beached in Japan.  

Another at Welsh Way on July 22, 2014 was drawn just above the “blowhole” of a “melon-headed dolphin” in the landscape. This crop picture was drawn in the shape of a “keyhole”, to match the landscape dolphin’s “blowhole”. It also showed three rings (like “bubble rings” from a dolphin) which matched the orbits of Mercury, Venus and Earth on April 20, 2015. This was when a 6.6-magnitude earthquake happened near Taiwan. 

Prospects for the future 

Whether or not there will be a second earthquake soon, near Taiwan, remains uncertain. The crop artists seem however to have devoted a lot of their efforts into describing recent events: a mass dolphin beaching on April 10, 2015 in Japan, or a minor earthquake near Taiwan on April 20, 2015. One can only wonder why?  

We should study true, non-human-made crop pictures in their full landscape contexts. Following such an approach, we may derive more information about their possible meanings. This idea makes perfect sense, once we consider that such field images could be the work of extra-terrestrials who remain high in space, while wishing to view their novel art on the ground!  

Finally we can see strong evidence for “time travel” in certain crop pictures, whether here or in previous examples (see fringe2015c). Such field images do not actually “predict” the future, but do seem to describe accurately what happened, after major historical events (see also japantsunami2011). The likely reality of “time travel” has become apparent from a study of certain military UFO cases (see for example fringe2014e).                                                                                                                                     

Red Collie (Dr. Horace R. Drew)   




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