Fangshan district, Beijing, China.  Reported 8th May

Map Ref: 

Updated Wednesday 17th June 2015


13/06/15 20/05/15 20/05/15 17/06/15 20/05/15 20/05/15

Ricky Caponi posts this us crop circle news with this covering text - 'Crop circle reported 8th May 2015 in the Fangshan district, Beijing, China. The Fangshan district has a long history and many ancient sites. It would appear this is a crop circle logo that symbolizes the development of the Fangshan District in China.



A new crop picture in Fangshan District, Beijing, China on May 8, 2015 shows a “lotus flower clock”. It appeared almost six years to the day after a related crop picture at All Cannings in England on May 6, 2009. The new crop picture suggests a cryptic time code of “17-11-5” where all numbers differ by “6” (for six years), and which may also have other meanings.  

A new crop picture was reported in central Beijing on May 8, 2015 near latitude 39.64o North, 116.07o East. Because of its urban location, and claims made by local authorities that it was (supposedly) man-made, this crop “flower” received little attention from most researchers. Yet when we studied this field image in close detail, those specious claims by local authorities of “man-made fakery” began to seem doubtful, for reasons which will be explained below.  

Today a Professor friend of mine from Beijing spoke with the authorities in question. They were unable to provide any believable explanation of how this beautiful “flower” crop picture was made. Nor were they able to provide any photographs of the partly-made crop picture, which was supposedly made by “50 volunteer farmers” in broad daylight, next to a busy highway! All they could show were typical drone-photographs of the fully-completed crop picture, similar to the kind which Mr. Gyro takes of already-completed crop pictures in England. 

Therefore, unless some physical evidence of local human construction is presented in the near future, we will tentatively consider this new Fangshan crop picture as “paranormally real”.  

A “lotus flower clock” for the fifth month of May 

Even on first inspection of the new crop picture, one can see that it shows the general shape of a “12-petalled lotus flower” (rather than a “sunflower”):  

Two of its 12 “petals” have been irregularly separated from one another, so as to leave a small empty space. If we draw a (white) dashed line through the crop picture, from two small buildings on one side, to another small building on the other side, then we can count those two irregularly-spaced petals as numbers “5” and “6”, relative to a start-point of “0”.  

Basically, we can go around this “clock” smoothly in a clockwise fashion for five “petals”. Then we reach an empty space, which suggests “pause” or “stop”. That would be petal number “5” (marked in light blue), which matches the fifth month of May, out of twelve months in total. This interesting feature is not seemingly a “mistake”. It seems inconsistent with any “man-made” explanation for how the crop picture was formed.  

The large rectangular field where this crop picture was drawn also contains five small buildings in total, so as to match the “code” from its irregularly-spaced “petals” as number “5”.  

A series of numbers as 17, 11 or 5  

Now when we looked on Google Earth to see where this crop “flower” was drawn, we immediately saw two huge, white landscape numbers of “17” and “11”, just above and to the left:  

The crop picture was drawn so that “petal 11” (marked in white) points up toward a huge “11” number in the landscape, while “petal 5” (marked in light blue) points down and away. All of these images, when combined, suggest a series of three numbers as 17, 11 or 5, going from top to bottom in the view shown. Each number differs from its neighbour by six: for example as (17 - 11) = 6, or as (11 - 5) = 6.  

Those two large landscape numbers “17” and “11” add to “28”, or perhaps to “29” if we count a bright white “spot” just to the right of “17”?  Quite amusingly, a “sea turtle” shape in the upper part of this slide also shows 29 poles or “spots”. Might the crop artists be trying to suggest a month-and-day date of “28-5” or “29-5”, by showing a number series “17-11-5”?  

The date of formation of this crop picture was 8-5-15, which adds to “28”. In addition to our “turtle” shape, there is also a large “fish” shape in the landscape, just above and to the left of “17” (not shown).  

Six years earlier, almost to the day  

None of this is certain at present, because the new “17-11-5” code may refer to some event in the future, which has not happened yet! Still we can be certain that a difference of “6” between 17 and 11, or between 11 and 5, is significant in terms of “past years”. Six years earlier, almost to the day, a closely-related crop picture appeared in yellow oilseed rape at All Cannings in southern England:   

Would we really expect a group of farmers in Beijing, who would have practically no knowledge of English crop pictures, to envisage such an amazing set of “number codes”, then “print” their results so elegantly in a field?  

Slight differences between 2015 and 2009 versions were generated by an “extra thin ring”, which lies just outside of “6 dots” to again suggest “6 years”  

Looking again at the slide above, if we were to “delete” a thin ring from the May 2015 crop picture, which lies about two-thirds of the way out from the centre, then we would generate a precise image of the May 2009 crop picture, with its slightly shorter “petals” and broader centre. In other words, the two crop pictures differ from one another mainly by the inclusion of an extra thin ring in the 2015 version, when compared with the 2009 version.  

Furthermore, this extra thin ring lies just outside of a broad centre which shows “6 free-standing dots”, again to denote “6 years”. The number “6” is thus coded twice in the new crop picture: in one case by “6 central dots” plus an extra thin ring, and in another case by its “17-11-5” number code, where “6” is the difference between each of two numbers. No one with any intelligence could fail to understand!  

We know what their “6” number code means, in terms of “6 years from 2009 to 2015”. Still we do not know yet what their “17-11-5” number code means, because the event to which it refers may lie in our future.  

“Buddha sitting on a lotus flower”  

Now when we look very closely at the new Chinese crop picture, using available aerial photographs, we can see another remarkable detail. Namely within part of the flattened crop, just above the curved hexagonal centre of this crop picture, we can see a small, carefully patterned image of the “Buddha”, where he is “sitting on a lotus flower”:  

Did a group of 50 farmers from the local district make this beautiful image using rope and boards, in order to promote “sunflower production”? It seems doubtful.  

Two other features of this crop picture would have been technically difficult to make 

In addition to the subtle “Buddha” motif just shown above, two other features of this Chinese crop picture would have been technically difficult to make. First, there is a thin circular line, about two-thirds of the way out from the centre, which appears too narrow to walk along easily. Secondly there are six small circular “dots”, about halfway out from the centre, which lie in free-stranding crop, where no one can walk without leaving a tell-tale trail.  

The “flower code” from Fringe?  

As an aside, this crop “lotus flower” also resembles a “coded flower” which is shown sometimes on the TV series Fringe:  

Each “dot” or building around this 12-petalled flower might suggest a certain number, or certain letter of the alphabet. Using known codes from Fringe, I figured out that three small buildings suggest “I-9”, “I-9” and “K-11”, which add as numbers to (9 + 9 + 11) = 29.  

“Anglerfish” and a “jester” in the landscape nearby  

Just below this crop “flower” in the landscape, we can see the image of a deep-sea “anglerfish” (often beached after earthquakes), with a small “jester” on the tip of its “antenna”: 

Ha, ha, the real crop artist seems to be making a joke! To the immediate right of that “jester” are five small “green squares”. In the rectangular field above, there are five small buildings. The primary number code from his crop “lotus flower” was “5”.  

“Ship loaded with cargo” in the landscape further away  

Further above and to the right of that “anglerfish”, we can see the very-large landscape image of a “ship loaded with cargo”:  

That “ship” is riding on some large “wave”, while the “anglerfish” swims below. A tiny “jester” to the left is showing a “lotus flower” which is coded for “5”.  

Another “lotus flower” from April 2015 in England  

This was not the first “lotus flower” image to be drawn in crops during the spring of 2015. Another “lotus flower” was drawn in England on April 19, 2015. It showed four inner “sepals”, 28 outer “petals” and a “stem”:  

It four inner “sepals”, representing month “four” of April, do not line up precisely with its outer “stem”. Instead they need to turn slightly clockwise by one unit of time, in order to align with a small, blue “stem” circle along the outside.  

Again we see the suggestion of a “lotus flower clock”. Here 4-28 (or 4-29) seems to be turning clockwise into 5-28 (or 5-29). Could this be what the Chinese number series “5-11-17” might imply?  

Landscape patterning near the new Chinese crop picture  

By careful study using Google Earth, we also observed a great deal of “landscape patterning” near this new Chinese crop picture. This is an effect is where we see “stained images” in the landscape near a new crop picture, which are neither permanent features, nor due to the flattening of growing crops. For lack of space, we have not shown such interesting features here. Just across the road, for example, we can see what appears to be the “face of the crop artist” in miniature.  

Paranormal or man-made?  

It remains possible that local farmers in Beijing could have been advised by crop circle “experts”, so as to produce some (or all) of the interesting observations which have been described above. Yet that seems unlikely, unless some actual “evidence” can be presented, to demonstrate that local humans really made this crop picture? No such evidence currently exists. All we have at present are unsupported verbal claims. Further enquires are still underway. We will report on those inquires here, if any evidence is obtained.  

Red Collie (Dr. Horace R. Drew)

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Crop Circles-UFO's-Ancient Mysteries-Scientific Speculations

There is a 100 meters wide crop circle reported in china, near Beijing, it's said it's been commissioned, but since there is no proof, i strongly doubt it, considering the picture there will be more information soon I hope i made a collage to show the strong similarities with a classic crop circle in rapeseed from 2009.

Tixeire Luc

It seems increasingly likely that the Chinese authorities concocted a false cover story, when saying that it was “made by 50 farmers to promote agricultural production”. Many of the fallen, green wheat stems show “bent nodes”, which cannot be ascribed to phototropism or any other natural process, since they have been bent parallel to the ground.


Red Collie





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