Wayland's Smithy 2006 and the Mayan Long Count

An amazing crop picture appeared at Wayland's Smithy on July 8, 2006 which was notable in several respects. First, it showed a highly talented use of three-dimensional perspective, for a drawing made from ordinary field crops. Secondly, it provoked much speculation about its deeper meaning: whether "rays from space", "skyscrapers", or "the two World Trade Towers"? Yet despite worldwide publicity on BBC News, no one has yet provided any clear, convincing explanation of what it was meant to say.

Here I would like to suggest that Wayland's Smithy 2006 may have been intended to illustrate a long-term astronomical cycle within our galaxy, that could have provided an original justification long ago, for setting up the famous Mayan "Long Count" calendar.
That strange calendar does not coincide with any planetary or lunar cycles as seen from Earth (say of Venus, Mars, Jupiter or the Moon), as do all other Mayan calendars. Instead it concerns itself solely with a supposed "periodic destruction and re-creation of our planet" once every 5125 years. Could such a historical anomaly have any real physical basis, in terms of a long-term astronomical cycle outside of our Solar System, that affects the entire galaxy?
Rays from the galactic centre
To begin, let us note first that the very centre of our galaxy near Sgr A* contains a compact ring of 12 stellar sources (as shown by a circle of "red crosses" in the photograph below), which loosely resemble a ring of 12 "star-like edges" found at the centre of Wayland's Smithy 2006:

Next, looking at the entire crop picture, we can see that three sets of "four square rays" emerge from its 12-fold symmetric centre. The "square-ness" of each ray is apparently intended to signify an intensity-distance relationship from astronomy, where any ray-like emission gets weaker in intensity by 1 / d-squared as it proceeds to greater distance d from a source (also called the "inverse square law"):

One can also see that, for any given length of ray, three different rays emerge in three different directions from the star-like centre as (x1, y1, z1) or (x2, y2, z2) or (x3, y3, z3) or (x4, y4, z4). These are apparently meant to represent the three x-y-z axes of normal Euclidean space, when rotated to different extents about the centre:

A precise ratio of lengths

Now let us examine the relative lengths of rays within any set of four. Such rays appear on first inspection to be approximately of length 5, 4, 3 and 2, or equivalently 25, 20, 15 and 10. In each case, a putative short ray "5" is not shown, because it would lie under the longest "25":

To be more precise, I measured the lengths of those rays in two sets least affected by perspective, and found 97, 81, 57, 37 mm for one set, or 93, 68, 51, 41 mm for the other. Taking the average, one obtains 95, 75, 54 and 39 mm, while for a perfect ratio 25 / 20 / 15 / 10 / 5, one would expect 95 / 76 / 57 / 38 / 19 mm. Pretty close!
What could all of this mean? Why should the crop artists draw a periodic series of astronomical rays emerging from the galactic centre, in three spatial directions x-y-z, and of relative distance 25 / 20 / 15 / 10 / 5 from a central source? 
Do we have a periodically active galactic centre which emits energetic rays once every 5000 years?

Here is one plausible explanation: Earth and Sun lie 26,000 light-years from the galactic centre while, according to the ancient Mayan calendar, five historical epochs or "Suns" total 5 x 5125 = 25,625 years. Now for astronomical rays travelling through space at speed c (light, gravity or neutrinos), those two numbers become essentially the same!
And so we see in that crop picture, along each possible spatial direction x, y or z, five emitted rays that are located 25,000, 20,000, 15,000 or 10,000 light-years from the centre (5,000 was not shown). Those are precisely the intervals of space and time that one would expect for a series of five "Suns" in the Mayan Long Count calendar:

Wayland's Smithy 2006 therefore seems to imply that our galactic centre emits "lots of rays" once every 5,000 years, due to some long-term periodicity of orbits there (say for two nearby black holes). Such a long-term periodicity, if true, would provide a direct astronomical explanation for the otherwise inscrutable Mayan "Long Count" calendar; which was set up sometime in the distant past, to make mankind "remember" a long 5125-year period between suddenly destructive events on Earth.
The last of those events supposedly happened in 3114 BC ("flood'), while the next is scheduled for December 2012 AD ("earthquake"). A glaciologist from Ohio State, Lonnie Thompson, has recently shown by radio-isotopic dating that there was indeed "sudden climate change" on Earth around 3114 BC, with huge excess rainfall near the Equator.
But we should not go to excess and think apocalyptically here, just because of some ancient Mayan calendar from the mists of history, that happens to be illustrated in a crop picture from Wiltshire! Even if the last "end of a Mayan Sun" had big effects on Earth climate or geology, there is no reason to believe that every such event will be equally energetic or severe.
Another hidden code in the same picture
Now we seem to understand the basic principles that underlie Wayland's Smithy 2006. But one final question remains: supposing that the "longest" astronomical ray shown there ("25") is scheduled to reach Earth in 2012 AD, why are those crop artists showing it to us now, six years earlier?
It may be hard to see from photographs shown so far, but a "grid" of extra mini-circles appears within the white-square-end of each "long" ray in Wayland's Smithy 2006, three times in total. Each of those grids contains approximately 7 x 8 = 56 mini-circles, and was presumably meant to tell "time left" until that longest ray reaches Earth (since no grids appear at the ends of any other rays):

Iwe interpret that subtly coded message to mean "56 weeks", then could some small part of the longest ray (scheduled in total for 2012 AD) reach Earth around August 6, 2007, given that the crop picture appeared on July 8, 2006? Or could the code mean something else?
As our best-known example from the past, a 26 x 30 grid found at Etchilhampton in 1997 clearly meant "26 x 30 = 780 weeks or 15 years", from its date of formation in 1997 to the end of our current Mayan Long Count in 2012:

Three other related crop pictures from 2005 or 2006
One year earlier on July 10, 2005, another "centre of the galaxy exploding" picture appeared at Lane End Down (also called "the mace"). There an outward wave was shown to be expanding spherically along three spatial axes x-y-z, in both directions positive and negative.
Slightly less than one year before on August 9, 2005, a different picture in the same field (Wayland's Smithy) showed a "Mayan Sunstone", and used a 52-year Mayan calendar to provide several dates in binary-hexadecimal format. One of those was interpreted as August 13-16, 2007 (see above).
One month later on August 15, 2006, a spectacular "gravity wave" picture appeared at Etchilhampton Hill (also called "Lamat"). Its possible relation to the ray-like crop picture discussed above seems obvious.

The deep, logical consistency of all four crop pictures from Lane End Down (July 2005), Wayland's Smithy (August 2005), Wayland's Smithy (July 2006) and Etchilhampton (August 2006) argues for the design and field-implementation of these highly intellectual messages by advanced scientists of some kind, and not by any known human fakers.
                                                                                                                                                        Red Collie

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