The recent outburst of Comet 17P Holmes was shown in English crop pictures two years ago: both its stellar location in Perseus on October 25, 2007, and its conjunction with Mirfak on November 21, 2007

English crop pictures have always concerned themselves with various aspects of astronomy in our solar system. That makes perfect sense, if such messages are being sent to us across vast spans of time, from another human-like culture who lived on Earth in the distant past. What else would two such disparate cultures such as theirs and ours (who might not share a common written or spoken language) have in common, except for science, mathematics or astronomy?

For example, crop pictures from the year 1994 showed many schematic diagrams concerning the impact of Comet Shoemaker-Levy on planet Jupiter (see Kris Sherwood, Likewise, crop pictures from the year 1995 showed the unexpected outburst and break-up of Comet 73P Schwassman-Wachmann near Earth (see
 or In the latter case, news about break-up that comet appeared in English fields three months before professional astronomers on Earth learned of the same event.

Here I will report on how the recent outburst of Comet 17P Holmes was illustrated schematically in many different crop pictures from the summer of 2005, over two years ago. Yet because we did not know in advance that such a comet would explode, most of those pictures remained un-interpretable until now. Many of us could guess that "something astronomical" would explode, but we did not know what. It would be impossible for any ordinary human faker to construct so many pictures of the future, two years in advance, especially since no one knew if or when Comet Holmes would explode (its last time was back in 1892).

An obscure comet suddenly "outburst" or exploded on October 25, 2007 in the constellation Perseus

Two weeks ago, astronomers all over the world became very excited to learn that an obscure comet known as "17P Holmes" had suddenly outburst or exploded far out in space between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter:

Over the space of just one day from October 24 to October 25, 2007, that comet changed from being a dim, almost unobservable object to being the subject of everyone's attention. It could be seen with the naked eye even in big cities such as London or Chicago. Comet Holmes was located in the constellation Perseus when it exploded, and not far from a bright star called alpha-Perseus or Mirfak.

Many different crop pictures from 2005 show in retrospect what appears to be an "exploding comet"

Modern crop pictures often concern themselves with comets and their strange behaviours. Could the recent outburst of Comet 17P Holmes have been shown in English crop pictures from the summer of 2007, or from any other summer over the past few years? Upon careful study, I found that few if any crop pictures from the years 2007, 2006, 2004 or 2003 could possibly be interpreted retrospectively in terms of an "exploding comet". Yet literally dozens of crop pictures from the year 2005 could be so interpreted, in a fairly clear and obvious fashion.

One of the most obvious examples is shown below, in the case of a huge crop picture that appeared at Garsington on July 15, 2005:

Three more examples from the summer of 2005 are given below, in the cases of Lane End Down, Collingbourne or Ridgeway which appeared in July or early August. All of these seem to show an "exploding comet without a tail":

Stars surrounding Comet Holmes during its outburst in 2007 closely resemble "stars" in a crop picture from Lane End Down in 2005

The idea of comets was quite topical in 2005. For example, one day before an exploding comet was shown at Lane End Down on July 10, another crop picture on July 9 at Silbury illustrated the impact of a NASA space probe with Comet Tempel (see Some of us might have therefore associated the exploding astronomical object shown at Lane End Down with a comet, if anyone had known at the time that actual comets could really explode! Instead, most people called that crop picture "the mace", following some kind of medieval imagery.

When studied in retrospect, the most obvious thing that Lane End Down was trying to tell us, two years ago, is where in space Comet Holmes would soon explode:  

Thus if we compare real stars from the constellation Perseus with "crop stars" as shown in the halo (white) or surrounding regions (green) of Lane End Down, we find a pretty good match as noted above, using red or yellow squares. For a more detailed comparison, see Appendix 1 below.

The appearance of "stars" in crop pictures is nothing new. Indeed, another crop picture from 1994 showed many stars from the constellation Cetus, in order to portray a triple conjunction of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn in that constellation six years later (see Jack Sullivan and Andy Thomas, or

Precise stellar locations along the cometary path of outburst in 2007 also appeared in 2005 crop pictures from Germany

Now quite remarkably, to people who might imagine that modern crop pictures are just an English phenomenon, certain aspects of the recent outburst of Comet Holmes were also shown in Germany, at the same time as Lane End Down in England. Thus, several precise stellar locations along the cometary path of outburst in 2007 were depicted in German crop pictures from July 2005, although no one knew at the time what those strange symbols meant:

In addition to the three examples shown above, several other star patterns or asterisms near the site of cometary outburst were shown in Germany 2005, that I do not have space here to reproduce. I was literally amazed to see so much detail of faint stars in Perseus near that comet, two years in advance. 

Wayland's Smithy on August 9, 2005 gave its own date of appearance plus a second date of November 21, 2007

To close the 2005 crop season, a spectacular Mayan Sunstone picture appeared at Wayland's Smithy on August 9. Everyone knew that something important had just happened, but it was hard to figure out what that picture was trying to tell us? It showed 20 Mayan symbols for "time" around its outer perimeter, along with two binary-hexadecimal codes as "13-10-7" or "14-5-11" in its central parts:

Jaime Maussan said at the time (Crop Circle Connector DVD 2005): "These are dates! Something is going to happen then." Indeed, but how to decode such dates precisely? And what might they signify?

After some effort, it finally became clear in August 2007 that both dates should be read in terms of an ancient Olmec-Mayan calendar, that uses astronomical cycles of Venus and the Sun to keep time. That was why, for example, Wayland's Smithy showed a "crescent" at its very centre: because crescent Venus was high and bright in the English sky on August 9, 2005, just after sunset. That was also why Wayland's Smithy showed 20 outer symbols for "time", because the Mayans kept 20 days within any month.

Now in order to decode those dates with precision, first we need to know exactly on which days of our modern calendar, their ancient Sun-Venus calendar might begin or end? In order to accomplish that task, previously I studied a large number of crop pictures from the years 1994 to 2007. I was thereby able to conclude that their ancient Sun-Venus calendar began on April 10, 1961 and will end on March 28, 2013, relative to dates within our modern Julian-Gregorian calendar. Each of those start-end dates represents a Sun-Venus conjunction, of which there are 65 in total over the entire period, lasting 18,980 days or almost 52 years.

Although this scheme might seem strange to modern humans, who use digital clocks to keep time, it could seem quite straightforward and logical to other people living in another culture from ours, if they were to use such a calendar daily. Furthermore, if modern crop pictures are coming to us from the distant past, when a Sun-Venus calendar was use across many parts of central America or Europe, then it makes perfect sense!

With such information in hand, we can now decode both of the binary-hexadecimal dates shown at Wayland's Smithy:

13-10-7 = 13/16 + 10/16x16 + 7/16x16x16 = 0.81250 + 0.03906 + 0.00171 = 0.85327

14-5-11 = 14/16 + 5/16x16 + 11/16x16x16 = 0.87500 + 0.01953 + 0.00269 = 0.89722

Thus 0.85327 x 18,980 = 16,195 days = 44 years and 124 days,

while 0.89722 x 18,,980 = 17,029 days = 46 years and 227 days.

Our first date is therefore April 10, 1961 + 44 years and 124 days = August 11, 2005 (plus or minus 2 days).

Our second date is likewise April 10, 1961 + 46 years and 227 days = November 22, 2007 (plus or minus 2 days).

The calculated difference between such binary-hexadecimal dates also seems informative:

14-5-11 minus 13-10-7 = 0-11-4 = 11/16x16 + 4/16x16x16 = 0.04297 + 0.00098 = 0.04395

Hence 0.04395 x 18,980 = 834 days =  2 years and 103.5 days.

So August 9, 2005 + 2 years and 103.5 days = November 20.5, 2007.

In summary, the first date from Wayland's Smithy was simply the day when it appeared or August 9, 2005. It was provided so that we might have an easy check on our calculations. But what about the second date of November 21, 2007: what could it signify?

November 21, 2007 will be when the newly-exploded Comet Holmes conjuncts a bright star Mirfak in Perseus

The answer to that question remained unknown until a few weeks ago, when Comet Holmes suddenly exploded in the constellation Perseus on October 25, 2007. While studying the near-future path of that comet through Earth's sky, I noticed that it would conjunct (or join very closely) with a very bright star Mirfak in Perseus on November 21, 2007:

Two symbols for astronomical conjunction had actually appeared in crops in Germany, at about the same time as Wayland's Smithy in the summer of 2005, but no one made any connection to what would happen two years later:

How long will Comet Holmes remain bright?

This essay began by showing the crop picture of an "exploding comet" from Garsington on July 15, 2005 (see above). Now when you look more closely, the largest circle in that crop picture seems to contain a secondary spiral or code that has been laid on top of already flattened crop:

If we consider that each "raised node" in that spiral represents "one day", beginning with October 25 on the inside and continuing outward to later dates, then we find that such a spiral completes one full turn by November 21, 2007. But that is when Comet Holmes will conjunct with Mirfak!

At other dates past November 21, those raised nodes first taper off, then get stronger around the end of November. Later they taper off again after December 8. It will be interesting to see how the real Comet Holmes behaves over the next month.

Why would those crop artists have decided to show so many detailed pictures concerning the 2007 outburst of Comet Holmes, over two years ago in the summer of 2005?

The reader by this point may have reached a state of amazement, or perhaps disbelief. How can such incredible things be true? Surely two old men, after leaving the pub late at night, are making such patterns with a board and rope? (I am only joking.)

More seriously, who might those crop artists be? And what kinds of advanced technology might they possess? Experienced researchers continue to hold many different opinions concerning such matters. Most of those opinions should be respected. After all, if crop-circle research has not taught us tolerance and respect, what have we learned? But for simplicity, I have summarized my own personal views below:

By sending us many detailed pictures of the outburst of Comet Holmes, over two years before it happened, those crop artists have clearly demonstrated that they can predict certain aspects of our modern future here on Earth: and that may be the most important point. Indeed, we have only five years left now until an end to the Olmec-Mayan Long Count calendar in 2012 (on a winter solstice). What might happen then, if anything?

Another crop picture from Crabwood 2002 told us in plain English: "Much pain but still time". That was five years ago. How much time do we have left?

Despite all of the evidence shown here, I would still like to think that we have free will in human, non-astronomical affairs. For example, if all human activities were pre-determined and invariant, why would they send us crop pictures at all? 

And unless such crop pictures were destined to be taken seriously soon by a large number of people on Earth, why would they continue to send them?

Was the outburst of Comet Holmes a fufillment of Hopi prophecy? 

As shown in many sky photographs above or elsewhere, Comet Holmes after its recent outburst showed a bright, blue-green halo or coma. Most observers called it a "new star in Perseus".

There is apparently a Hopi prophecy which says: "a new blue star will suddenly appear in our sky, just before the end of one age and the beginning of another": see or
 I am grateful to Rod Bearcloud at for reminding me of the importance of native ways.

Some Christian prophecies are also astronomical: for example, the prediction of an aurora borealis in Europe just before World War II (the second prophecy of Fatima). Malachi Martin, before he died, noted that the third prophecy of Fatima could similarly be astronomical.

What do modern crop pictures have to say about 2012?

What do modern crop pictures have to say about the year 2012? Will there be a big disaster in December? Or could that date be purely harmless and calendrical, just as we saw recently for another crop-predicted date of August 18, 2007?

West Overton of July 1996 showed a series of astronomical rays emerging from our galactic centre, at the time of a solar eclipse (presumably December 21, 2012) and at a time when another comet will appear in our skies. Wayland's Smithy of July 2006 later showed more of those same rays, emerging from our galactic centre at intervals of roughly 5000 years. That is really not much to go on! We will have to wait for more information in future seasons, before we can say anything definite about the year 2012.

Nevertheless, such crop-based messages should be a major priority for every government on Earth, if for no other reason than because the crop artists (who make them) seem to know certain aspects of our planetary future.

Red Collie

Appendix 1. Detailed comparison of "crop stars" in Lane End Down of July 10, 2005 with real stars at the sky location of Comet Holmes in Perseus on October 25, 2007

When studied in close detail, the match between real stars in Perseus at the sky location where Comet Holmes exploded, and "crop stars" which were shown two years earlier at Lane End Down, surrounding an "exploding comet", seems fair but not perfect:

There could be three reasons for such slight discrepancies: (a) the sky map of those crop artists may be slightly different from ours, due perhaps to a long passage of time; (b) another sky location in Perseus should have been selected (but I was unable to find any); or (c) Comet Holmes will outburst soon for a second time (in 1892, it outburst for a second time 75 days after the first).

Appendix 2. Prediction of the outburst date as October 24-25, 2007 by means of specific planetary alignments

Wayland's Smithy on August 9, 2005 seemingly predicted when Comet Holmes would conjunct with Mirfak; but were there any other crop pictures from the year 2005 that predicted when Comet Holmes would explode? Yes, two pictures of that kind did appear in close proximity to an "exploding comet" at Garsington on July 15-16, 2005. Yet they gave their messages in such a cryptic fashion, that nobody at the time could possibly have understood what they were trying to say!

When studied in retrospect, those two pictures seemingly said: "The outburst will happen when Mercury is in conjunction with the Sun, and when six heavenly bodies are aligned in a semi-square position at 45 degrees to one another."

On the left above, we can see a four-lobed representation of Mercury in its yearly orbit about our Sun. On October 24, 2007, Mercury entered into conjunction with the Sun as seen from Earth (yellow dashed line)

On the right above, we can see an outer perimeter with 24 Mayan symbols for time. In this case, those symbols mean "24 hours of Right Ascension" (an astronomical coordinate). Then at the centre of the same picture, we can see three overlapping "V" shaped symbols. Those are called semi-square symbols in astronomy. Each means that two planets will be aligned in our sky at 45 degrees to one another. And since three "V" shaped symbols were shown in total, the overall crop picture means that 2 x 3 = 6 planets or the Sun will lie at 45 degrees to one another in Earth's sky.

Now if we calculate Right Ascension values for the date of October 24-25, 2007 when Comet Holmes actually exploded, we find that six major planets or the Sun were indeed aligned on that date at 45 degree angles to one another in Earth's sky: :

Table 1. Astronomical R.A. values and sky angles for October 24-25, 2007


17 09

3 hours ahead

45 degrees ahead


13 56

0 hours

0 degrees


13 46

0 hours

0 degrees


11 04

3 hours behind

45 degrees behind


10 33

3 hours behind

45 degrees behind


  6 42

6 hours behind

90 degrees behind


 I am grateful to Rod Bearcloud ( for bringing these pictures to my attention.

Appendix 3: Possible cause of the cometary outburst as rapid spin

Why did Comet Holmes explode to begin with? Most comets outburst or explode when they approach the heat of the Sun, but Comet Holmes exploded when it was heading away from the Sun between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. The best guess of Earth's astronomers today is that it may have been due to rapid spin  

"The outburst of Comet Holmes was confounding, because it occurred as the comet was moving away from the Sun. Dr. Hammergren theorizes that the comet was spinning at such a rapid rate, that it simply broke apart."

Well, if professional astronomers on Earth today would like to confirm that tentative hypothesis, they simply have to study English crops! Not far from where the huge "exploding comet" was shown at Garsington on July 15, 2005, another small crop picture showed an expanding comet in rapid spin:

One can see above on the left a "small comet getting larger" as it spins or spirals rapidly. On the right, one can see a spectacular spiral of raised crop that was used quite cleverly to symbolize such a spin motion. A huge "exploding comet" picture in the same field on the same day also showed "spin" in one of its medium-sized circles, which somehow disappeared several days later.



Mark Fussell & Stuart Dike

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