Can we find novel technological devices by studying English crop pictures?  

Part VII. Fluid waves in a liquid mercury-salt mixture, under vacuum and in the presence of an external magnetic field, may be capable of detecting weak biomagnetic energies (a psychic message from a paranormal source)  

As a result of doing serious research on the paranormal from a scientific perspective, I have been contacted by many people over the years who wish to present me with unconventional ideas. The story which you are about to read may be one of the strangest. Still it seems to make sense in scientific terms. If this technology actually works, then we would seem to have been informed (by psychic means and in crop pictures) how to detect weak, low-frequency, biomagnetic energies in an entirely new way. Some people have speculated that those energies lie in the realm of telepathy, or might even permit contact with a spiritual dimension.  

The main feature of this new device is its use of a liquid mercury-salt cell, under vacuum, in the presence of an external magnetic field, to change weak electrical signals from a wire antenna into fluid mechanical waves. Such mechanical waves can then excite a quartz crystal by the phenomenon of piezoelectricity. This general idea seems obvious, but no one on Earth has tried it before. Liquid mercury is a good conductor of electricity, especially when mixed with salt. It moves in low-frequency fluid waves when an electric current is passed through it, so long as a permanent magnet is placed nearby.  

At the very least, this device may offer the means for a new kind of biomedical imaging which could assist human health. “How is your life energy doing today?” a doctor in the year 2020 may ask. Look at the great progress made in medicine since the introduction of CAT scanners (using x-rays) or magnetic resonance devices. What if we could detect natural biomagnetic energies as well? And what if we could generate low-frequency biomagnetic energies for therapeutics?  

We should not discount new scientific ideas, just because they come from a paranormal source: look at the invention of PCR 

It would be foolish to discount new ideas, just because they come from a paranormal source: look for example at the invention of PCR or “polymerase chain reaction”. Kary Mullis, a junior scientist, first conceived of PCR in 1983 while he was driving up to his cabin in Mendocino Country (see “With two oligonucleotides, DNA polymerase and four nucleoside triphosphates, I could make as much of any DNA sequence as I wished, on a fragment of specific size. I thought the new idea had to be an illusion. It would change DNA chemistry forever. It was too easy!”   

Two years later in 1985, after driving up to the same cabin in northern California, Kary encountered a “glowing raccoon” which was probably a hologram (see 

“At the end of the path under a fir tree, there was something glowing. I pointed my flashlight at it, which only made it whiter. It seemed to be a raccoon. I wasnt frightened. Later I wondered if it could have been a hologram? The raccoon spoke: ‘Good evening, doctor.’ I said something back, probably ‘Hello.’ The next thing I remember, it was early in the morning, and I was walking on a road uphill from my house.”

Mullis had no idea how he had gotten there, but was not wet from the early morning dew. His flashlight was missing. He was never able to find it. He had no signs of injury or bruising. The lights of his cabin were still on, along with groceries on the floor. Six hours had gone by unaccounted for.

PCR was one of the most valuable scientific inventions of the 20th century, worth billions of dollars. Based on that known example, I would advise everyone to take this new paranormal story very seriously. Before telling such a story, I would like to recount one other case of Nobel-Prize winning science from the 1950s, in order to help explain how the new device seems to work. Thus we will look next at fluid or “Alfvén” waves of liquid mercury, which may be formed in the presence of an external magnetic field.

The odd character of Alfvén waves, first discovered in liquid mercury in 1948

Hannes Alfvén was an astronomer, who became interested in how electric or magnetic fields might propagate through deep space, or through hot stars (see Hannes). In 1948 he wrote (see electricity-in-space):

“The electrical phenomena in stars present us with a new problem. We cannot bring those stars into our laboratories, but we can investigate similar electrical behaviours in a medium comparable to the gaseous body of a star. Still we cannot work with very hot gases or intense pressures in a laboratory. The closest we can come is a liquid. Of all common liquids, mercury is the best conductor of electricity.

We conducted some experiments with mercury, and observed curious results. Normally if you tap the side of a vessel containing mercury, its surface ripples. Yet when we placed that vessel in a strong magnetic field, the mercury became viscous. When we dipped two ends of a metal wire into the mercury, it was like moving a stick through syrup. When any wire moves across a magnetic field, the motion induces an electric current. Such electric current then induces a secondary magnetic field which opposes the first one, and thereby slows any further motion. (This is ‘Lenz’s Law’, also seen for a neodymium magnet dropped down a copper tube.)  

Next we filled a small tank with mercury. In the absence of a magnetic field, stirring mercury at the bottom of the tank did not disturb any mercury on the surface. Yet when a strong magnetic field was applied, stirring mercury at the bottom was quickly communicated in waves to mercury at the top. Once again, when mercury is stirred in a magnetic field, such motion generates electric currents. Those electric currents with their secondary magnetic fields seem to transfer any bottom motion to higher layers of mercury above, by means of magneto-hydrodynamic waves.”  

Electrical currents running through magnetized liquid mercury may create fluid waves or even torque  

To summarize in plain English, running electric current through a pool of liquid mercury, in the presence of an external magnetic field, not only transfers electricity, but also causes those heavy mercury atoms to move in a wave-like fashion. The transverse, low-frequency electrical wave becomes associated with a transverse, low-frequency, fluid or mechanical wave. This is somewhat akin to sound waves moving through air (see  

Now here is the important point: those low-frequency electrical waves, after having become associated with fluid or mechanical waves, may in principle become easily detectable by various piezoelectric substances, which can convert mechanical motion into electricity (see Piezoelectricity):  


Ordinary electricity or magnetism at such low frequencies would be very hard to detect. In this second video, we can see how liquid mercury near a strong magnet creates the rotary motion of a “homopolar motor”, when electric current runs through it (see  

The novel device which are about to describe uses a liquid mercury-salt mixture under vacuum, in the presence of an external magnetic field  

The novel device which we are about to describe uses mostly standard components except for one: a liquid mercury-salt mixture under vacuum, with two permanent magnets placed above or below (or perhaps on either side). When weak electric currents from a spiral wire antenna pass through that mercury-salt mixture, they apparently cause some of the gaseous mercury atoms (in a vacuum) to luminesce or glow, just like for a low-pressure mercury vapor lamp (see or 

Yet that does not seem to be its main purpose. The main purpose of such a device seems to be converting a weak, low-frequency electrical signal into fluid waves of mechanical energy, which can then be detected using a piezoelectric quartz crystal.  

Here is a brief summary of how the entire device seems to work: low-frequency magnetic energies, which are present naturally in a human body, may first induce low-frequency electrical currents in a spiral wire coil. When those low-frequency electrical currents pass through a liquid mercury-salt mixture under vacuum, with permanent magnets located above or below, they may create fluid waves of energy, just like for ripples moving through water, or sound waves moving through air. Finally such fluid waves may impinge on a quartz crystal which has piezoelectric properties. Various piezoelectric substances have been used as “microphones” to convert sound waves into electricity, or as “pick-ups” on the wooden bodies of resonating guitars (see Piezoelectric_sensor or Piezoelectricity). A properly chosen quartz crystal should be able to detect mercury fluid waves at a frequency of 10-1000 Hz, and convert them into electricity.  

I cannot tell, from the description given (see below), why salt (NaCl) needs to be mixed with liquid mercury in this device, unless it gives better electrical conductance or performance? No one on Earth seems to have tested a mercury-salt mixture before. It should behave something like “liquid copper”.  

Also I cannot tell whether fluid waves, produced by that liquid mercury-salt cell, are meant to induce a piezoelectric response in the quartz crystal by direct physical contact (i.e. gluing the two objects together), or whether such fluid waves ought to be transmitted to the quartz crystal by an electrical connection (i.e. a copper wire)? Certainly the quartz crystal needs to be part of the spiral antenna, if part of its role is to transmit such energies to the outside world, after their conversion from very-low-frequency to kilohertz or megahertz waves as higher harmonics.  

Brief but factual description of the device from a reliable source who wishes to remain confidential  

Recently I asked the person who had received instructions on how to make this device, from a lucid psychic contact, to write down exactly what had been conveyed. This person has little knowledge of professional science, and knows nothing of fluid waves in magnetized mercury. Thus the instructions which you are about to read could not possibly have come from the recipient’s subconscious mind.                                                                                                                                                                  

“You must built a pyramid like this one,” he said.
“Why?” I asked.
“The better to speak with me. Don't worry, it is not difficult” he replied. 

The pyramid emitted a bright, soft, white light that pulsed as he spoke, following the rhythm of his words.
“Here is what you must do. Take a vial and fill it half with mercury and half with salt, then place it in vacuum. Next connect the vial to a spiral wire, and the spiral wire to a pyramid (frame). Then place a quartz crystal inside of that spiral wire, above the vial. Finally place an aluminium disk on each of the four faces of the square pyramid. One of the disks must have a hole in its centre.  

The skeleton (edges) of the pyramid and the spiral antenna should both be made of copper. You should connect them together. The cap and base of the pyramid may be made of semi-opaque plastic. When you join everything together, remember that you have to follow certain (size?) ratios. A ratio (of sizes?) between the pyramid skeleton and the spiral wire must be the same. The quartz crystal and its (piezoelectric?) frequencies must be harmonics (of those sizes?). Lastly the inner volume of the pyramid should be kept in vacuum.”  

Several other technical words, conveyed to the recipient, were “magnets”, “coherer”, “windings” and “mirrors as a resonator” without any clear context. Inside of the pyramid there should be two magnets, one placed at each end (or side) or the mercury-salt vial. There was some notion of a “vesica piscis” from sacred geometry.  

Images of two early prototypes, as well as similar images shown in English crop pictures 

We can see below two early prototypes of this device, which the recipient of the psychic message tried to make without any professional help: 

Above we can also see two “pyramid” shaped crop pictures from southern England on June 7, 2007 or July 22, 2009. Those bear a remarkable resemblance to the early prototypes. How can this be, if the design principles were only given to one person? For a possible answer to this dilemma, please see below.  

Analogy to a “coherer” for detecting radio signals 

The liquid mercury-salt cell under vacuum, in an external magnetic field, supposedly acts like a “coherer” (see Coherer or Radio energy from an antenna can change the structure of a current junction containing iron or copper filings, by making them cohere to one another in a paramagnetic fashion. Such cohesion then allows electric current to flow: 


This was the first efficient radio-wave detector used for telegraphy (see Bose used liquid mercury mixed with iron filings to decohere any junction, after a current had passed through, but not as an essential part of the detector itself (see bose_real_inventor).  

In this new device, weak electrical currents from a spiral antenna may change the structure of fluids in a mercury-salt cell, thereby allowing current to flow though the cell more easily. The most likely mechanism would be by inducing fluid Alfvén waves with mechanical energy (like for sound waves in air). Those waves could then be detected as vibrations by a nearby quartz crystal, whether directly or as part of a circuit (see  

“In devices such as hearing aids, quartz crystals convert weak sound waves into electric currents. Some phonographs use quartz crystals to convert vibrations of the stylus into electric impulses.”  

The mercury-salt mixture could itself have piezoelectric properties, in the presence of an external magnetic field. This is because the electrical currents which pass through it will be linked to a fluid motion of its fluid substances. It is hard to predict how two different piezoelectric substances, the liquid mercury-salt cell and the quartz crystal, might behave when joined to one another. The faint, white glow within that liquid mercury-salt cell could possibly act like a “spark gap transmitter” (see Spark-gap_transmitter). 

No need to plug it in!  

The human body should emit a weak, low-frequency magnetism around 3-50 Hz, consistent with human EEG frequencies. Quartz crystal radios use a wire antenna to detect weak electromagnetic signals from a distant transmitter. Those signals contain enough power to convert the messages directly into “sound”, without requiring any extra power source (see Crystal_radio).  

This new device uses the natural energy of human-body emissions to create a weak electrical signal in a coil antenna, which is then transduced into fluid waves by liquid mercury-salt (placed in a vacuum) between two magnets. Next we may see the emission of kilohertz or megahertz radio waves, when those fluid waves impinge upon a piezoelectric quartz crystal (especially if that crystal forms part of the antenna circuit). In other words, you should not have to “plug it in”!  

There must be some kind of frequency resonance which relates all three parts of the device: the spiral antenna coil, the liquid mercury-salt cell, and the quartz crystal, but I do not understand this subject well enough to give advice. Where is Nicola Tesla when you need him?  

Was this device already known long ago on planet Earth? 

How could two English crop pictures, from 2007 or 2009, resemble the basic features of that pyramid-shaped transmitter? Instructions were apparently given psychically to only one person on Earth, who has no relation to the crop circle phenomenon. This dilemma puzzled me, until I saw an interesting video by Klaus Dona. Here he shows two stone-carved images of a hand-held “pyramid transmitter” from Earth’s distant past (see 


One of those ancient carvings also shows an eighteen-ray, oval-shaped UFO, which was recently drawn in crops at Santena, Italy during June of 2012. Again there seems to be no obvious relation between that ancient carving and the modern crop picture. The central part of the “oval UFO” (as drawn in crops) shows our inner solar system for a date of December 21, 2012. 

There is apparently a large, underground pyramid in Alaska which has strange electrical properties, and was built long ago by an unknown civilization on Earth (see  or This is not the place to discuss “pyramids”, although the subject is interesting. 

A need for “resonance” when receiving or emitting low-frequency, low-energy waves of biological energy  

The major aspect of this new invention seems to be a liquid mercury-salt cell, placed in vacuum and in an external magnetic field, which by conventional science should convert extremely-low or very-low frequency electrical currents into fluid mechanical waves of similarly low frequency. Those mechanical waves can then be detected by a piezoelectric quartz crystal, just like for the musical; vibrations from a guitar. Hardly anyone studies ELF or VLF waves today because of the technical difficulties (see Extremely_low_frequency or Very_low_frequency).  

Clearly the copper pyramid skeleton, spiral wire antenna and quartz crystal will need to be constructed with some kind of tuning or resonance (see, in order to detect (or emit) low-frequency, low-energy waves of long wavelength, while only being 27.5 cm high. When two people share bioenergies with one another, in certain fields of alternative medicine, they must likewise establish a frequency resonance, or else the perceived effects will be minimal. I do not understand how this happens in terms of electromagnetic energies, but “still it moves” as Galileo once noted.  

While trying to understand such mysteries, I came across an unusual patent from March 2010 titled “Electromagnetic systems with double-resonant spiral coil components” (see patents). The inventor writes: “Spiral coils generate very powerful electromagnetic fields, by operating with two different but simultaneous resonant behaviours. When two such coils are placed near each other, they will create an extremely powerful electromagnetic field.”  

The new device proposed here does not use two spiral coils near one another, yet it does use a single spiral coil inside of (and connected to) a square wire pyramid: 


How might a spiral coil inside of a pyramid resonate? The whole “pyramid” subject seems bizarre, because we see those ancient stone constructions all over our planet, yet no one seems to understand their significance. There is actually a spiral ramp inside of the Great Pyramid at Giza (see a-theory-that-could-finally-explain-how-the-great-pyramids-of-egypt-were-built). Since we understand so little, it might be better to work first on technologies which we can understand, such as the use of liquid mercury Alfvén waves to stimulate piezoelectricity in a quartz crystal. 

Summary and conclusions: who will be the first to put this new invention into practice? 

To conclude, studying the properties of a liquid mercury-salt cell, under vacuum and in the presence of an external magnetic field, while weak, low-frequency electrical currents flow through it, could be a worthwhile pursuit for biomedical researchers as well as for mobile phone companies. Engineers at Apple, Samsung, IBM, Bell Labs, Nokia or Hewlett-Packard, please take note! If you can obtain a patent on this device, by being the first to put it into practice, you might make billions of dollars, just like Hoffman-La Roche did on PCR.  

Human stupidity and inertia remain powerful psychological factors. Most people are afraid to try anything new. For example, any experienced molecular biologist could have invented PCR in 1983, rather than a novice. Kary Mullis wrote in his Nobel Prize lecture (see  

“Not one of my friends or colleagues would get excited over the potential for such a new process. Most everyone, who could take a moment to talk about it with me, felt compelled to come up with some reason why it wouldn't work.”  

No further comments seem necessary here. If any private inventors would like to get in on the ground floor, please feel free to proceed with early experiments, and contact this author via the CCC website if you wish.  

Once the unique properties of this unknown device are put into practice by thousands of professional engineers worldwide (if it really works), then we may see great advances in “energy medicine” for human health, as well as new breakthroughs in human psychology or spirituality. It will not take too much effort, and is certainly worth a try.  

Red Collie (Dr. Horace R. Drew, Caltech 1976-81, MRC LMB 1982-86, CSIRO Australia 1987-2010)  

P.S. We would like to thank Marina Sassi for her continual help.  

Appendix 1. Summary of key functional elements or other features  


Mark Fussell & Stuart Dike

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