Indications of Archaeo-Sky Matrix Encodings in Some Recent (2008 season)
 Crop-formations in England

Part One

by Michael Lawrence Morton, June 2008

Copyright 2008 Michael Lawrence Morton, all rights reserved


In June of 2008, I was fortunate to contact researcher Bert Janssen, who made available to me a database for the centered latitude and longitude locations of crop-formations in England. This marked the first time I had been able to access such a complete source (and one which is constantly updated as new crop-formations occur) for this much-needed data.  After working with this database, I’m now convinced of its self-evident reliability .. to the extent that I will begin reporting my results in this paper. I am grateful to researcher Bert Janssen for making this database available to me .. {{ World Wide Crop Circle Archive (brought to you by }}.

It is beyond the scope of this paper for me to give a complete background and/or tutorial to the reader concerning the Archaeo-Sky Matrix, because such an understanding must involve much detailed study in itself, but I also do not want to simply refer the reader to old and outdated links regarding this .. and so for now I will procede here on a sort of “jump right into the flow as is” basis, if you will. I will probably be giving specific links as they are deemed appropriate by me. I would like the reader to keep in mind that all of this will prove to be self-evident if one follows the work and the results. This paper will be the first in what should be (hopefully) a series of reports and articles on this subject.

                                                                01 June 2008 Barbury Castle     

This was the Pi-ratcheted formation, showing ten ratcheted arcs representing the first ten digits of the Pi constant, complete with its decimal point in the correct place .. this analysis having been put forth by retired astrophysicist Michael Reed (see articles by Red Collie and by Bert Janssen ..,  and also by Linda Moulton Howe ..

latitude 51.48886 .. longitude -1.77026

lat encoding .. 51(deg) * 29(min) * 19.89(sec)  =  approx 29400 N. Grid LAT.

long encoding ..  first of all; the ASM (“Archaeo-Sky Matrix”) uses a prime meridian through the center of The Great Pyramid of Giza (Carl P.Munck, Sr.; “The Code, Volume A”; self-published; 1991) .. and so you convert the longitude by using the Greenwich-to-Giza variance of 31 deg 08 min 0.8 sec ..

32(deg) * 54(min) * 13.74(sec)  =  approx 23700 W.Giza Grid LONG.

Here, it is necessary to have some background knowledge of the ASM in order for one to recognize any apparently-intended Grid LATs and Grid LONGs. So I will just have to give you my best reading and interpretation here.  I’m seeing a Grid LAT of 29377.88973 N. and a Grid LONG of 23687.05056 .. and a Grid Point value (intersection point of latitude and longitude) of .. (29377.88975 / 23687.05056)  =  1.240251067

Over this past winter (2007-2008) I was able to make some very important revisions in my work concerning the apparently-encoded sidereal Sagittarius intersection of the Ecliptic and the Galactic Equator.  I had (originally) mistakenly confused the ecliptic-longitude of the Solar Apex with the ecliptic-longitude for the intersection of Ecliptic and Galactic Equator. Over this past winter, I was able to correct this mistake and discover the apparently-correct ASM encoding for the sidereal Sagittarius intersection of Ecliptic and Galactic Equator .. (5610.763643 W.Alnitak / 360)  =  15.58545456 .. where 5610.763643 W.Alnitak  =  174(deg) * 41(min) * 0.786482148(sec) W.Alnitak .. and, where 360 is the ASM encoding for the ecliptic-latitude of the Ecliptic itself.  Alnitak is the Ecliptic Prime Meridian marker in our sky in the ASM .. and this theory was put forth in February 1999 by Mary Anne Weaver, and has been proven as self-evidently correct by me {MLM; Internet} through intensive studies since February 1999. Alnitak is assumed to be at an ecliptic-longitude of 29 deg 56’ 50” into (counterclockwise) sidereal Taurus .. or 03 min 10 sec of ecliptic-longitude clockwise from the cusp of (sidereal) Gemini/Taurus.

My datasource for all sky-locations is .. Astrolog 5.40 (online freeware) .. which I have used consistently in this work for more than nine years as of this writing. The data in Astrolog 5.40 uses Ecliptic orientation, and one must use sidereal zodiac on the interactive menu. Within the menu, one must go to the “View” section, and then click-off “show graphics” and click-on “print nearest arc-second” .. you will not receive an actual printout on your printer per se, but you will get a readout on your screen for nearest arc-second for each planet .. for the Sun, for example. This datasource (Astrolog 5.40) is used for any timings  .. for example, any times-of-day on any particular date. Also; you must use “00” lat and “00” long for the menu-entry “location” (place on Earth). This datasource also has an Astrolog 5.40 listing for the various fixed-stars .. and for Galactic Center (“Centre”) and Solar Apex (“Apex”).

I need to emphasize, here, that the reader needs to realize that he/she is not going to be able to fully grasp everything about the ASM right away, and so it is very important to file this paper (and other papers by me on this subject) away carefully where it can be found in the future .. because all of this will eventually become self-evident if you persevere with this. I will say this: a major reason for the crop-formations (crop circles) phenomenon is to inspire, inform, and educate us Earthhumans concerning disclosure and contact using the ASM because the ASM is a major language for disclosure and contact involving the reality of ETs. The ASM .. through the real-time vehicle of the crop circles phenomenon, is a language that will allow us Earthhumans to verify for ourselves that disclosure and contact with ETs is actually happening as we participate in it. This participation involves the very communication (using the language of the ASM) which is the essence of “disclosure and contact” itself. For example; as you will hopefully (sooner or later) see with this 01 June 2008 Barbury Castle formation (and in comparing it with other crop-formations) .. the makers of this crop-formation are showing a mathematical figure that indicates the ratio of the Grid Point value at the center of The Great Pyramid of Giza with the Grid Point value of the Sun’s sky-location at the exact 11:11 UT moment-of-solstice on the 21st of December 2012.

Again; over this past winter (2007-2008) I learned that Solar Apex is__not__really on the ecliptic-longitude that passes through the intersection of the Ecliptic and Galactic Equator. In discovering this, I was able to learn some important new information about “Galactic Orientation 101”, if you will .. which, again, is part of what we Earthhumans are being taught (IMO) as part of the process of disclosure and contact. And  it is not simply a matter of us being introduced to “Galactic Orientation 101” by ETs. It is also all about them showing us .. educating us .. concerning a very highly-intelligent order in Nature which is self-evidently manifesting in what the sky-matrix is displaying to us Circa 2000 A.D. including December Solstice 2012 ..  and which will also become self-evident if one follows the evidence here.

Back now to the Grid Point value being shown, as I’ve interpreted it, by the 01 June 2008 Barbury Castle formation. We already know the Pi constant is being featured here. Taking the ratio of Pi and 1.240251067 .. (yes, I’m using a pocket calculator that shows 10 digits on its screen) .. (3.141592654 / 1.240251067)  =  2.533029591 .. or a relatively high-precision version of (5 / Pi)^2.

Fortunately, I can immediately recognize that 2.533029591 is the precise ratio of (603.6220596 / 238.3004375) .. where the 603.6220596 is the sky-location Grid Point value for the Sun at the exact 11:11 UT moment-of-solstice on the 21st of December 2012 {MLM; Internet} .. and where the 238.3004375 is the center Grid Point value for The Great Pyramid of Giza {MLM; Internet}. Not only is the macro (celestial) or “sky” realm of Nature producing the Sun-location figure here, but the makers of this crop-formation are also apparently confirming that the figure for the center location at The Great Pyramid of Giza is correct .. and further strongly implying that this ratio is right-on. I very seriously doubt that the makers of this crop-formation would be verifying something so important if these figures were wrong or were the result of bad data.

Again; the Pi constant .. out to ten digits, no less .. is being featured in this crop-formation. If you simply multiply the 2.533029591 by 3.141592654 .. you get 7.957747155 .. which is the encoded figure in the ASM for the ORION Belt-stars Composite {MLM; Internet}. This is remarkable because Robert Bauval, et al, have discovered that the ORION Belt stars are being represented by the three main Giza pyramids. 

                                                             Regarding  Red Collie’s Analysis

Red Collie (pseudonym), on the website, writes that this crop-formation is displaying the angle 36 degrees and also a sum total of 1440 arc-degrees. When you multiply 1440 by 3.141592654 and by 1.240251067 .. you get 5610.763643 .. which is precisely the figure I found in my work over this past winter (2007-2008) in revising the ecliptic-longitude encoding for the intersection of the Ecliptic and the Galactic Equator in sidereal Sagittarius. In my revision just mentioned, I realized that the W.Alnitak ecliptic-longitude for this intersection (at the spot in our sky as seen from the center of Earth) .. would have to be very close (a small fraction of an arc-second of ecliptic-longitude) to 90 ecliptic-longitude degrees from the sidereal Pisces spot where the Ecliptic intersects the Galactic Pole. And so I then ended-up finding this .. 174(deg) * 41(min) * 0.786482148(sec) W.Alnitak ..

=  5610.763643 W.Alnitak .. the revised {MLM} W.Alnitak Grid LONG in the ASM for the intersection of the Ecliptic and the Galactic Equator in sidereal Sagittarius. Then, when you divide by the 360 encoding for the ecliptic-latitude of the Ecliptic itself, you get__15.58545456__for the sky-location Grid Point value of this intersection. Of course 360 is (36 * 10) .. which is also encoded in this crop-formation. I think a major aspect of this crop-formation is its displaying (and its verifying of my revision as correct) of this astronomical parameter as part of some ETs’ apparent effort to help us in our learning “Galactic Orientation 101”.

Next, in order to further solidify these interpretive encodings I’m proposing .. I’m going to discuss two other crop-formations .. the famous 17 July 1991 Barbury Castle formation and the (also famous) 15 August 2002 Crabwood formation. I’m going to compare their centered locations with that of the 01 June 2008 Barbury Castle formation .. of course using the same database.

                                                                   17 July 1991 Barbury Castle

latitude  51.49033 .. and longitude  -1.78307

51(deg) * 29(min) * 25.19(sec) North  =  approx 37250 N.                                                                                                   32(deg) * 54(min) * 59.85(sec) W.Giza  =  approx 103400 W.Giza

My experience in archaeocryptography allows me to recognize these readings  as apparently-intended encodings of 37207.53202 N. and 103354.2556 W.Giza, and so .. (103354.2556 / 37207.53202)  =  2.777777777  Grid Point value for the center.

The 37207.53202 is a veritable icon in the ASM. It encodes the slope angle for both The Great Pyramid and The Mycerinus Pyramid of Giza .. 51(deg) * 51(min) * 14.30508728(sec) .. {Carl P.Munck,Sr., 1991}. And 37207.53202 is also the ASM encoding for the ecliptic-latitude of Solar Apex and Solar AntApex .. {MLM; Internet}  =  53(deg) * 26(min) * 27.00111177(sec) North and South Ecliptic. The Y2K sky-location for planet Pluto .. its E.Alnitak ecliptic-longitude .. is also encoded by 37207.53202  =  166(deg)* 45(min) * 4.980927981(sec) E.Alnitak .. {MLM; Internet}.  

Edit .. {{{  In fact .. (as I just noticed) .. the Y2K sky-location Grid Point value for planet Pluto forms this equation with the 17 July 1991 Barbury Castle formation .. .. (4.055778676 / 2.777777777)  =  1.460080324 .. which is the center Grid Point value for the 31 May 1999 Barbury Castle formation .  This is where 30000 N.  =  51(deg) * 29(min) * 20.28397566(sec) N. .. and where .. 20546.81481 W.Giza  =  32(deg) * 54(min) * 11.89051783(sec) W.Giza. So .. (30000 / 20546.81481)  =  1.460080323  }}}

The__103354.2556__is a decimal-fractal of the 1.033542556 Grid Point value for the center of The Old Man of the Mountain (formerly) in New Hampshire, USA. ..{Munck, 1991}.  Also; 103.3542556 is the multiplied-product of Alnitak and Sirius .. (their sky-location Grid Point values) .. (Sirius 2.368705056 * Alnitak 43.63323131)  =  103.3542556 .. and these two stars are being pointed-to (their meridian transits at Circa 2500 B.C.) by the two star-shafts in the south face of The Great Pyramid of Giza .. {R.Bauval, M.Vidler}.

If you divide the 238.3004375 center Grid Point value {MLM; Internet} for The Great Pyramid of Giza by the 1.033542556 Grid Point value for The Old Man  … {Munck, 1991} .. (238.3004375 / 1.033542556)  =  230.566643 .. the Height of The King’s Chamber (inside The Great Pyramid) in regular English inches .. {R.Carl; Internet}.

If you then divide 230.566643 by 12, you get the Height of The King’s Chamber in regular English feet .. 19.21388691 .. which is__also__the ASM encoding for the mean AU distance of planet URANUS .. {R.Carl; Internet}.  And if you then multiply this 19.21388691 by the ORION Belt-stars Composite .. (7.957747155 * 19.21388691) =  152.8992539 .. which is the ASM encoded length for the Grand Gallery  (in The Great Pyramid of Giza) in regular English feet {MLM; Internet}.  Further; if you then multiply this encoded length for the Grand Gallery by 3.141592654 .. you get 480.3471728 .. which is the ASM figure for the original encased Height (including capstone) of The Great Pyramid of Giza in regular English feet {Munck, 1991}.

If you divide the ASM center Grid Point value for The Great Pyramid of Giza {MLM; Internet} by the 19.21388691 figure .. (238.3004375 / 19.21388691)  =  12.40251067  =  10 * 1.240251067 .. 10 times the center Grid Point value for the 01 June 2008 Barbury Castle formation. And .. multiplying by still another power-of-ten .. (12.40251067 * 10)  =  124.0251067 .. which in my opinion is the length for the “Ascending Passage” in The Great Pyramid of Giza in terms of regular English feet. 

And the 7.957747155 figure is also the multiplied-product of the ASM encodings for the mean AU distances of planets Mars and Jupiter .. (1.523087099 * 5.224748578)  =  7.957747155

Note that__23687.05056__is the encoded center Grid LONG W.Giza for the 01 June 2008 Barbury Castle formation .. which is a decimal-fractal of the sky Grid Point value for Sirius {MLM; Internet}.

And note (see below) that the__7957.747155__center Grid LAT for the Crabwood formation is a decimal-fractal of the 7.957747155 {MLM; Internet} ORION Belt-stars Composite .. where (43.63323131 Alnitak * 31.00627668 Mintaka) / (170.010936 Alnilam)  =  7.957747155  =  (3.141592654^2) / 1.240251067      

                                                                    15 August 2002 Crabwood

latitude  51.06439 .. and longitude `-1.36317

51(deg) * 03(min) * 51.81(sec) North  =  approx 7900 N.                                                                                     32(deg) * 29(min) * 48.21(sec) W.Giza  =  approx 44700 W.Giza 

And I’m interpreting this as apparently-intending encodings of 7957.747155 N. and 44649.03842 W.Giza, and so .. (44649.03842 / 7957.747155)  =  5.610763643

                                                                        A Resulting Equation         

Now you can see this resulting equation .. directly from the encoded locations for the centers of those two famous crop-formations .. (5.610763643 * 2.777777777)  =  15.58545456 .. my recent discovery for the intersection Grid Point value of the Ecliptic and the Galactic Equator in sidereal Sagittarius.

Also, Crabwood’s centered (intersection) location is a decimal-fractal of the encoded ecliptic-longitude at the intersection of the Ecliptic and the Galactic Equator in sidereal Sagittarius .. 5610.763643 W.Alnitak .. which I found by using the 1440 {R.Collie} and the Pi to 10 digits {M.Reed} along with the Grid Point value 1.240251067 {MLM} at the center of the 01 June 2008 Barbury Castle formation.

Again .. you can see here that these three crop-formations together are encoding this equation ..

5610.763643 / 360  =  15.58545456

To me, it makes sense that if December Solstice 2012 is a “hopeful timing” for the beginnings of a  critical-mass awareness (as Earthhumans on planet Earth) pertaining to disclosure and contact .. then messages from some ETs would appropriately include references to astronomical parameters concerning “Galactic Orientation 101” .. such as encodings for the intersections of the Ecliptic and the Galactic Equator, for just one example .. and would appropriately be encoded from a Geocentric sky-viewing-perspective. 

And if some of these ETs involved in sending us these messages via crop-formations__were__also involved with Earthhumans in the ancient past and were here on Earth, and if some of them also were instrumental in designing/building the main pyramids at Giza, and if they were also the designers/builders of Stonehenge, of Teotihuacan, etc. .. then it would also make sense that some of the encodings in these crop-formations would pertain to the centered locations and measured dimensions (metrology) of these major structures and renowned sites.


Indications of Archaeo-Sky Matrix Encodings in Some (2008 season
and more) Crop-formations in England

                                                                                Part Two

                                                               by Michael Lawrence Morton

                                     Copyright © Michael Lawrence Morton, all rights reserved 

In Part One, I was discussing the 01 June 2008 Barbury Castle crop-formation. Please recall its N.Grid LAT centered-location encoding (my interpretation) .. 29377.88975 N.  =  51(deg) * 29(min) * 19.86334669(sec) N. .. where its listed centered latitude and longitude in the database {{ World Wide Crop Circle Archive (brought to you by }} is .. lat 51.48886 and long -1.77026

I also mentioned in Part One about the revision and clarification I was able to achieve this past winter (2007-2008) concerning the ASM encoding for the intersection of Ecliptic and Galactic Equator in sidereal Sagittarius .. and how I’ve noticed that this crop-formation is encoding the precise figure that I discovered this past winter as the (revision) apparently-correct encoding for the ecliptic-longitude of the sidereal Sagittarius intersection of Ecliptic and Galactic Equator .. 5610.763643 W.Alnitak  =  174(deg) * 41(min) * 0.786482148(sec) W.Alnitak.

I noticed the 1440 sum total arc-degrees as pointed-out by Red Collie in his article on, and I multiplied that times the Pi out to ten digits (thanks to the analysis of retired astrophysicist Michael Reed {see Linda Moulton Howe’s article in} .. and then I further multiplied by my interpretation for the center Grid Point value of this crop-formation .. 1.240251067 .. which gave this .. (1440 * 3.141592654 * 1.240251067)  =  5610.763643

Here (again, from Part One) is my equation for the center location of this crop-formation: the longitude  of (approx) 01 deg 46 min 12.93 sec .. must be converted to__W.Giza__longitude as per ASM protocol because the ASM prime meridian on Earth is through the center of The Great Pyramid of Giza {Carl P.Munck,Sr.; “The Code, Volume A”, self-published; 1991}. The Greenwich-to-Giza longitude variance is 31 deg 08 min 0.8 sec ..  so this gives (approx) 32 deg 54 min 13.73 sec W.Giza. So .. 32(deg) * 54(min) * 13.73(sec)  =  approx 23700 W.Giza .. and then my experience in archaeocryptography allowed me to recognize the apparently-intended encoding of 23687.05056 W.Giza. This gave .. (29377.88975 / 23687.05056)  =  1.240251067 for the intersection of latitude and longitude at the center.

I also revealed in Part One how the center Grid Point values for 17 July 1991 Barbury Castle (2.777777777) and 15 August 2002 Crabwood (5.610763643) multiply together to give .. (2.777777777 * 5.610763643)  =  15.58545456 .. which is the precise value for the encoded intersection of sidereal Sagittarius Ecliptic and Galactic Equator .. (5610.763643 / 360)  =  15.58545456 .. where 360 is the ASM figure for the ecliptic-latitude of the Ecliptic itself. And so it definitely appears (IMO) that this 01 June 2008 crop-formation is “communicating” with two already- famous crop-formations to show that “yes, this is the correct encoding” for this particular astronomical parameter. I consider this to be part of the “Galactic Orientation 101” that we Earthhumans are evidently being encouraged to learn as we approach 2012 December Solstice. IMO, December Solstice 2012 .. being so heavily encoded in the ASM (which I’ll be discussing throughout my postings and articles) .. is the time of a magnificent cosmic orchestra displaying a grand epiphany of Archaeo-Sky Matrix equations, and is also marking an opportunity for us as Earthhumans to begin to recognize and realize .. en masse .. that we are now, ourselves, in the very midst of the disclosure process and we are now in fact having contact. The ASM is a destined language of disclosure and contact, and we are now learning how to read it, write it, and speak it. We do not need, and nor do we want, any authority figures (including “ETs as authority figures”) breaking the news to us. We are figuring it out for ourselves, which is the way it should be and which is the way it was probably intended by The All That Is.          

There is an astronomical parameter known as the Way of the Sun, the current (circa 2000 AD) location of which I’ve decoded with the help of the ASM. The Way of the Sun is a kind of very long-term “very gradually bobbing-up-and-down sine wave” (if you will) in space. It is the Sun’s movement, as viewed from Earth, against the general zodiacal background of all the observable (to us on Earth) stars. The net disappearing-point in our Earth sky for this parameter is called the Solar Apex and its current (circa 2000 AD) location as viewed from Earth is encoded as (105760.4031 W.Alnitak / 37207.53202 N.Ecliptic)  =  2.842446068 .. where 105760.4031  =  173(deg) * 13(min) * 47.02552383(sec) W.Alnitak, and where 37207.53202  =  53(deg) * 26(min) * 27.00111177(sec) N.Ecliptic .. which I have decoded {M.L. Morton; Internet}. There is also a Solar AntApex  which is the antipode in terms of South ecliptic-latitude (same amplitude as Apex) as seen from Earth.

I noticed that the intersection where the Ecliptic crosses the ecliptic-longitude of the Solar Apex is encoded as .. (105760.4031 / 360)  =  293.7788975 .. which “just happens to be” a decimal-fractal (a power-of-ten) of the__29377.88975__ figure that is encoded by the latitude at the center of the 01 June 2008 Barbury Castle formation .. as you will recall. So now you can see that this crop-formation is actually referencing the ecliptic-longitude distinction between Solar Apex and the intersection of Ecliptic and Galactic Equator (in sidereal Sagittarius). I had actually been confused about this matter until just this past winter of 2007-2008, so I’m especially excited to see this apparent ‘confirmation’ that I’m now clear on this. {“Thanks, guys”}.

And I will now reveal another discovery I made about six months ago (as of this writing). I found this ..

105760.4031  =  [(43.63323131 Alnitak) * (238.3004375 Great Pyramid of Giza) * (280.5381821 Greenwich Observatory)]  /  ( 27.58106915 D&M Pyramid of Cydonia on Mars)

That equation is encoding all four of the prime meridian markers so-far-discovered in the ASM!

                                                            Total Solar Eclipse of 11 July 1991 

The famous 17 July 1991 Barbury Castle crop-formation was created less than 6 days after the total solar eclipse of 11 July 1991. That total solar eclipse featured a dramatic mass-sighting of UFOs over Mexico .. including a prominent craft photographed directly over Teotihuacan.  The timing for the peak eclipse was noon Mexico City time, or 7 PM (7:02) GMT. If you go to the Astrolog 5.40 datasource, you can see that the Sun at peak eclipse was at 24 deg 21 min 14 sec sidereal Gemini, or 24 deg 24 min 24 sec E.Alnitak .. yes .. triple 24s .. and so .. 24(deg) * 24(min) * 24(sec)  =  13824 E.Alnitak .. which is__identical__to the figure for the encoded N.Ecliptic Grid LAT of Polaris {MLM; Internet}.

So the Grid Point value for the sky-location of the Sun at that moment of peak eclipse was .. (13824 / 360)  =  38.4

As I wrote in Part One, the 17 July 1991 crop-formation’s center location is encoded as .. (103354.2556 / 37207.53202)  =  2.777777777 .. where 103354.2556  =  32(deg) * 54(min) * 59.81149051(sec) W.Giza and where 37207.53202  =  51(deg) * 29(min) * 25.15722246(sec) N.

The__37207.53202__is identical to the figure that encodes the ecliptic-latitude for Solar Apex (N.) and Solar AntApex (S.). A mere random coincidence? Not a chance.

Notice .. (38.4 * 2.777777777)  =  (2.842446068 Solar Apex) * (281.4477322 / 7.5)

The__281.4477322__is the encoding for the intersection of the Ecliptic and the Galactic Pole in sidereal Virgo .. {MLM; Internet} .. and__7.5__is the encoding for the intersection of Ecliptic and Galactic Pole in sidereal Pisces .. {MLM; Internet}.  This is where 281.4477322  =  (101321.1836 E.Alnitak / 360) and where 7.5  =  (2700 W.Alnitak / 360). Further .. this is where 101321.1836  =  95(deg) * 18(min) * 59.25215415(sec) E.Alnitak, and where 2700  =  84(deg) * 41(min) * 0.783972125(sec) W.Alnitak.

Another good reason for Y2K being intensely encoded in the ASM is because as of Circa 2000 A.D. our Equinoxes are aligned__in terms of ecliptic-longitude__with the intersections of the Galactic Pole and the Ecliptic. And of course this also means that as of Circa 2000 A.D. our Solstices are aligned__ in terms of ecliptic-longitude__with the intersections of the Galactic Equator and the Ecliptic.

And so the clear references to “Galactic Orientation 101” just continue to crystallize. And obviously the mass-sighting of UFOs over the Mexico City area in connection with the 11 July 1991 total solar eclipse is implying the direct involvement of ETs.

                                                          Center of The Great Pyramid of Giza

I’ve decoded {MLM; Internet|the center location of The Great Pyramid of Giza by using Munck’s data. I was able to see the correlation involving the encoded ASM figure for Earth’s Equatorial Circumference. Here is the encoded center for The Great Pyramid of Giza .. (85788.1575 N. / 360 Prime Meridian)  =  238.3004375 .. and this is where 85788.1575  =  29(deg) * 58(min) * 51.00366082(sec) N.

And here again is where both the 01 June 2008 and the 17 July 1991 Barbury Castle crop-formations are significant in terms of their self-evident centered locations. Note this equation .. (1.240251067 * 2.777777777)  =  3.445141852  =  (85788.1575 / 24901.19742)  ..  where 24901.19742 is the encoding in the ASM for the statute miles Equatorial Circumference of Earth. And now I’m going to show how this encoded figure for Earth Equatorial Circumference is tied directly to the figure I discovered that represents the Tetrahedral “19.5” degrees {R.C.Hoagland} north and south latitude on large rotating celestial bodies .. that Richard C.Hoagland has been discussing for many years. The “Hyperdimensional Physics” that RCH has been discussing is intimately tied to axial rotation. This rotation involves the Equator and the Pole of Earth .. which is why the Equatorial Circumference is a number that you would expect ‘should’ tie-in to any encoding in this case. Almost ten years or so ago, I was able to discover an ASM figure for the “19.47” Tetrahedral latitude. Here it is .. {MLM; Internet} .. 19(deg) * 28(min) * 16.46707132(sec) N. and S.  =  8760.48194 .. which I call the HD-TET Grid LAT.

And now notice how it works with the Earth Equatorial Circumference figure ..

(24901.19742 / 8760.48194)  =  2.842446068 .. the identical figure that encodes Solar Apex for circa 2000 AD.

Now I will also give the details for the sky-location of the Sun at the 11:11 UT moment-of-solstice on the 21st of December 2012, because it ties dramatically into the exact location for the center of The Great Pyramid of Giza .. and you will recall the equation from Part One. If you go to the Astrolog 5.40 datasource, you can see that the Sun at 11:11 UT on that date is @ 05 deg sidereal Sagittarius 04 min 26 sec .. or @ 174 deg 52 min 24 sec W.Alnitak, to the nearest arc-sec. So .. 174(deg) * 52(min) * 24(sec)  =  approx 217150 W.Alnitak, and my interpretation for that is 217303.9415 W.Alnitak .. and so (217303.9415 / 360)  =  603.6220596

And then I was able to see that (603.6220596 / 238.3004375)  =  2.533029591 .. and then I was able to notice that .. (3.141592654 / 1.240251067)  =  2.533029591  =  (5 / 3.141592654)^2

So you can see that the__1.240251067__center intersection in the 01 June 2008 Barbury Castle formation is certainly referencing the 2.533029591 by way of the__3.141592654__that is so uniquely featured in that crop-formation.

And then by multiplying 2.533029591 by__ 3.141592654__you get the 7.957747155 ORION Belt-stars Composite .. {MLM; Internet}.                                                    

                                             Encoding the Length of The Queen’s Chamber   

If you take the ratio of the figures that are encoding the ecliptic-longitude for Solar Apex and for the intersection of Ecliptic and Galactic Equator in sidereal Sagittarius .. ..

(105760.4031 / 5610.763643)  =  18.84955593  =  (6 * 3.141592654)

Could this be the encoded length for The Queen’s Chamber in English feet .. not using “pyramid inches” .. no, I’m talking regular English feet.  Based on E.Raymond Capt’s figures in “The Great Pyramid Decoded” .. this looks right. If you multiply that by 12 to get the regular English inches .. 226.1946711 ..  a numerical match for the number of regular English__feet__for the height of The Mycerinus Pyramid of Giza according to Munck’s work.  

Speaking of The Queen’s Chamber .. Bert Janssen has an article showing The Queen’s Chamber (in Great Pyramid of Giza) superimposed at the center of the 01 June 2008 crop-formation {see}.

Now .. let’s see .. what might happen if I multiply 18.84955592 by 15.58545456 .. ?

Remember .. (17 July 1991 Barbury Castle 2.777777777) * (15 August 2002 Crabwood 5.610763643)  =  15.58545456 .. intersection of Ecliptic and Galactic Equator in sidereal Sagittarius  =  (1440 * 3.141592654 * 1.240251067)  / 360

(15.58545456 * 18.84955592)  =  293.7788973 .. intersection of Ecliptic and the ecliptic-longitude of Solar Apex .. (105760.4031 / 360)


           15 July 2008 “Solar System” Crop-formation near Avebury     

This formation shows the relative locations of the Planets in our Solar System as of December Solstice 2012 .. with the Sun in the center. And this formation is located very near Avebury Circle .. in fact the photo on the website shows Avebury Circle prominently in the background.

Database shows raw data as .. Latitude  51.4314  .. and Longitude  -1.85696

Translates to .. Latitude .. 51 deg 25’ 53.04” North .. and Longitude W. Greenwich 01 deg 51’ 25.056”

My interpretation is .. 67712.74158  =  51(deg) * 25(min) * 53.10803261(sec) North ..

and .. 48858.04898  =  32(deg) * 59(min) * 25.87820391(sec) W. Giza

Center Grid Point value .. (67712.74158 / 48858.04898)  =  1.385907605   

I noticed that the Number of Days from 15 July 2008 to 21 December 2012 .. is .. 1620 .. and when I divided this figure by the indicated Grid Point value at the center of this formation (where the Sun is depicted) .. (1620 / 1.385907605)  =  1168.909092 .. which was very exciting in itself because I immediately recognized this figure as the encoded S.Ecliptic Grid LAT for Planet URANUS at the Y2K moment .. {M.L. Morton, Internet} .. where 1168.909092  =  S. Ecliptic 39(min) * 29.972028(sec).

Due to the obvious close proximity of Avebury Circle, I decided to test the updated Grid Point value for the center of Avebury Circle .. that is, updated to the WGS 1984 mapping datum as has in fact been done by Robert Carl {R. Carl; Internet} for the major Munck work in England. Here is what I found ..

(1168.909092 / Avebury Circle WGS ’84 Grid Point Value 1.936491673)  =  603.6220596 .. the exact sky-location Grid Point value that I’ve decoded for the Sun as of 11:11 UT on 21 December 2012 .. the moment of Solstice!

                                                           Royal Cubit Encoded Again

I then compared the Grid Point value for this formation (center) to the center Grid Point value for the “Pi Ratcheted” formation of 01 June 2008 at Barbury Castle .. (1.240251067 * 1.385907605)  =  1.718873385 .. the Royal Cubit in regular English feet.

Next, I used a decimal-fractal of the 23687.05056 Grid LONG (W. Giza) for the center of the 01 June 2008 Barbury Castle formation .. along with the Grid LONG for this 15 July 2008 formation .. and you can see the equation here .. (48858.04895 / 2368.705056)  =  20.62648063 .. the Royal Cubit in regular English inches!

Recall from earlier .. that 1.718873385 is the ratio of the ASM encoding for Earth axial rotation speed in statute miles per time-hour at the Equator and the encoding for the Sun’s location at Solstice moment on 21 December 2012 .. (1037.549893 / 1.718873385)  =  603.6220596 

                              GIZA Centered PYRAMIDS Composite indicated with Pi

When I looked at the ratio of the Number-of-Days figure .. 1620, from above .. with the Grid LONG for this 15 July 2008 “Solar System” formation .. (48858.04895 / 1620)  =  (94.74820225 / 3.141592654) .. and there is the GIZA Centered PYRAMIDS Composite {MLM; Internet} divided by the Pi constant out to 10 digits! No wonder the 01 June 2008 Barbury Castle formation showed Pi to 10 digits!

           Decimal-fractal of ASCENDANT for 2012 December Moment of Solstice 

And when you multiply the GIZA Centered PYRAMIDS Composite by the Royal Cubit in regular English feet .. (94.74820225 * 1.718873385)  =  162.8601632 .. a decimal-fractal of the 162860.1632 encoded ASCENDANT at 11:11 UT on 21 December 2012 .. {MLM }.

Note .. that the Avebury Circle WGS ’84 Grid Point value .. 1.936491673 .. is also the ratio of 480.3471728 and 248.0502134 .. where 480.3471728 is the {Munck} original encased height in regular English feet (including capstone) for the Great Pyramid of Giza, and where 248.0502134 is not only the {Munck)  north-face Grid Point for the Great Pyramid of Giza .. but also is the ratio of two major encodings in the ASM regarding our Solar System! Notice .. ..

248.0502134  =  (482209.6149 / 1944) .. where 482209.6149 is the multiplied-product of the encoded AU distances (mean) for all of the Planets in our Solar System (not including Nibiru) .. {MLM; Internet} .. and where 1944 is a decimal-fractal of the multiplied-product of the sky-location Grid Point values for all of the Planets in our Solar System at the Y2K-moment .. {MLM; Internet} .. including SUN and MOON but not including Nibiru.


Mark Fussell & Stuart Dike


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