At the Barge Inn yesterday afternoon I happily bumped into my friend and fellow circle photographer, John Montgomery, who had just returned from a flight to shoot the new Martinsell Hill formation, and had also captured a circle at Stanton St. Bernard that also had appeared today -- so I hurriedly arranged for a flight to film those formations myself.  Unfortunately the aircraft had electrical problems in the communication system, so we had to turn back before getting to Martinsell, but I did get this beautiful one at Stanton.  In the background of one picture you can see the village (where I lived in the summers of 1999 and 2000).
  Thanks to Will Mathison for lending me his digital camera (I usually only use video).

Peter Sorensen 



Peter is having difficulty keeping up with his email. He does read them all and, is very grateful for all comments and criticism.

Peter Sorensen