Image Peter Sorensen Copyright 2002

The logo I made for Time Value Property Exchange, Inc. at Etchilhampton.

With the field paid for, we worked slowly and carefully over two days, the 24th and 25th of July. We started in the late afternoon of each day, about 5:00, and worked until about 9:00 or 10:00. The Circle was made on Wednesday, and the numbers on Tuesday.

The numbers were much harder to do. Circle-based constructions lend themselves naturally to crop art -- so even though to the uninitiated the numbers might look easy, in fact they weren't at
all. (I've PhotoShopped out a couple of mistakes, but they were not major. The worst was that the 3 was too close to the 1, so I just slid it over on the computer in two minutes.)

And because the smaller you work the more little errors show, I made the TVPX entirely in P'shop. It took a good hour to do that, constructing the letters by cloning bits from the actual

After having made several commissions now, I must say that, compared to making "real" formations, working in the daylight is like drinking decaffeinated coffee -- there's no buzz!!

Thanks to Matt Williams, who took the aerial photo with a 35mm camera.

Report by Peter Sorensen

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Peter is having difficulty keeping up with his email. He does read them all and, is very grateful for all comments and criticism.

Peter Sorensen

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