by Bert Janssen and Janet Ossebaard

This short documentary (15 minutes) covers the latest discoveries surrounding the mysterious hole inside Silbury Hill (Wiltshire, UK), Europe’s largest man-made hill. 

On May the 29th 2000 a 33 ft. deep hole suddenly appeared in Silbury. According to the official explanation, an 18th century mine shaft had simply collapsed. This documentary shows that this explanation covered up some very important findings. Prior to the collapse a huge UFO was seen hovering above the hill. Several people recorded seeing big balls of light above and around Silbury. Crop circles seemed to be magnetically attracted to the hill.

Be prepared to see the only footage ever shot inside Silbury Hill. It shows you the descent into the hole, the spontaneous burning of a cell phone display, the appearance of beautiful coloured balls of light, and the discovery of secret chambers inside Silbury Hill.

A breath-taking account with mind-blowing images that – now that the hole has further collapsed – will never be filmed again. An absolutely unique documentary!

(Part 2 will be released in the winter of 2001).

You can order the video as follows: 

* If you live in the UK, please transfer 11 pounds sterling to British bank account number 2643643 registered in the name of Mr. Bert Janssen. (Lloyds TSB, branch code 30-92-63). Add: “Silbury CCC”, and please don’t forget to add your name and exact address. (The 11 pounds include post & package).

 * If you live in the USA, please send a check of 19 US dollars to: Bert Janssen, P.O. Box 10, 9460 AA  Gieten, The Netherlands. Write on the check: “Silbury CCC”, and please don’t forget to add your name and exact address. (The 19 dollars include post & package).

* If you live in the Netherlands, please transfer NLG 28,- to bank account nr. of Bert Janssen. Add: “Silbury CCC”, and please don’t forget to add your name and exact address. (The 28 guilders include post & package).

* If you live somewhere else, either follow the procedure for USA citizens or send 19 American dollars – cash – in a sealed envelop to: Bert Janssen, P.O. Box 10, 9460 AA  Gieten, The Netherlands.

Please allow max. 4 weeks delivery time to pass. This may be a bit longer during the summer because of Bert and Janet’s stay in the crop circle arena…

If you have any questions, videographers Bert Janssen and Janet Ossebaard can be reached at:

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Bert Janssen & Janet Ossebaard

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