Owl House, Nr White Horse Hackpen Hill, Wiltshire. Reported 4th June

Map Ref: SU1217074981

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Crop Circles-UFO's-Ancient Mysteries-Scientific Speculations


I believe in the horse. The automobile is a temporary appearance” - Wilhelm II of Prussia 

A man may imagine things that are false, but he can only understand things that are true” - Newton 

Few Christians, and only those who really know about the salvation of the anointing, will accept it: The formation that came down at Owl House (2) (Isaiah 34:13-17) was a direct response to our solemnity (3) on 4 June 2022 (203 a.L.) in the context of the re-texting of a well-known hymn (God Save Great George Our King), whose pentecostal premiere had been announced for some time by the German Order of the Dragon in honour of Adelheid of Anjou and Emperor Wilhelm II at the mausoleum in Huis Doorn. In the context of the annually recurring office, the title was: Four Blazes. (4) 

Vocal: jkvr. Eurgen van De Lyere VSSD 

When the obscure creators boldly opt for crude ASCII coding, they must be outlining a multi-dimensional complex in the background, not to say a universal one; for the word means a great deal more than just an inflationary “LOVE”/“EVOLution”.

First, they defined the only correct (mirrored) reading direction to the letter W or Omega through the hyphen (“L-OVE”).

LOWE/LOVE (5) means in Lowland Scots and Middle High German: the “blaze”, “flame”, but also: the “lion”, in Middle English at the same time: the “praise”, in Old Swedish: “dragon”. The reference to orant posture (6) and to Pentecost is obvious! − Furthermore, we may also assume the tribute to the House of Orange-Nassau, as we are here with William in Holland; “as long as the monarchy is absent in Germany...”. This house possesses the name from the original sphere of the Magdalen mission in the 1st to 4th century: Orange; (7) see also the union of Scotland, Ireland and the Netherlands in the person of William III of Orange (1650-1702), as well as William I the Lion (1142-1214) down to Saint William, who ruled Dalriada in the 5th century along with the House of Conall: the archetypal William of the Scots, so to speak.

The creators actually adjusted the formation to the Emperor’s mausoleum with an azimuth of exactly 80.00 degrees, so that from the position of the formation two annual sunrises fall on the feast days of two significant saints: on 4 April for this very Saint William (W) and on 8 September for the Nativity of Mary (M). Thus, together with his ancestral mother Adelheid of Anjou, they confer the primordial (Gothic-Scythian) dignity on the last German king!

With the four-limbed Wilhelm initial in the grain, they set a milestone and an excellently consecrated votive, so that the Holy Fire (8) of Helena may shine over our Order, the House of Hohenzollern shall be reminded of its responsibility for Germany and the peace, i.e. for the ending of the World War by the King of Prussia, which is still ongoing in the sense of international law, and every member of the House of Edom (9) may be reminded of his royal dragon gift of freedom (10) and natural enlightenment! (11) 

Helenas Lohe warm

leuchte dem Maidenarm.

Darüber throne hoch:

M o g u n t i a ! 

Johann v. Diehsa MSD 

Ewig du Friedegrund. (12) MP3 (13) YouTube (14) 

600th anniversary of the Order of the Dragon (1408), Saint Margaret, Four Blazes, Westwoods/Wiltshire, 2008. (15) 

(1) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mDO9MP51Hxy-MfS5q6FWhxbGLkiXvLJg/view?usp=sharing

(2) http://cropcircleconnector.com/2022/hackpen/hackpen2020a.html

(3) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Pq1Z8lnoYYnTRJYnMbUTC1zKRwQtsx7E/view?usp=sharing

(4) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IZqVsanN0EaGkgMPLMt9fzJClPsvmRVu/view?usp=sharing

(5) https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/lowe#Middle_English

(6) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orans

(7) https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/12836817-mary-magdalene

(8) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holy_Fire

(9) https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1078973.Genesis_of_the_Grail_Kings

(10) https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/δέρκομαι#Ancient_Greek

(11) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frisian_freedom

(12) https://t.me/Drakonisten/398

(13) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Rt8loWFHfNkBSwMKsr3xXiYmB6_DXW2e/view?usp=sharing

(14) https://youtu.be/WqBzjXp5lgQ

(15) https://www.cropcirclecenter.com/ccdata/2008/07/17/UK20080717_B.html

Varda Sarnat


Fernando Ortolá



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Mark Fussell & Stuart Dike