Chesterton Farm, nr Cirencester, Gloucestershire. Reported 25th May.

Map Ref: SP0112200057

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Crop circle de 25 de Maio Códigos do nascimento

Formação que, a primeira vista, se parece com um eclipse solar, e estamos a 4 dias do centenário do eclipse solar que deu crédito à Teoria da Relatividade de Albert Einstein, em 1919.

O formato de OVO se abrindo e expulsando uma célula de vida apareceu primeiramente em Horton, dia 2 de Março, e o formato do Ovo foi repetido neste novo crop circle, pelo que estimamos uma relação entre as duas formações.

Entre 2 de Março e 25 de Maio, contamos 84 dias completos, que somam 12 (8+4), um número que aparece nos códigos deste nascimento.

Nesta nova formação, temos dois arcos equivalentes, esquerda e direita.
À esquerda, um arco com nove pontos, formando o padrão 3.3.3 e, à direita, um Ovo eclodindo uma forma tríplice, e que lembra um eclipse solar.

E a célula que o Ovo expele é o resultado de uma fusão de três círculos, os quais, reunidos com os nove círculos da direita, somam 12 círculos.

A imagem de um ciclo espiritual completado na coroa de doze estrelas, numa nítida relação com o Apocalipse 12 e o NASCIMENTO DA CRIANÇA.

Ainda temos que, nos relógios, 3:33 nos fala daqueles portais temporais da madrugada, horário onde muitas pessoas relatam experiências com o lado oculto, como se portais se abrissem todas as noites nesse horário.

Relação ocultista com a Nona Hora (3+3+3) e o Arcano 9 do Taro, que também falam em nascimento espiritual, despertar e gestação da alma (os nove meses da gestação humana), numa conexão com o despertar da alma em percepções de outras realidades.

Os evangelhos falam muito no Segundo Nascimento, que seria o renascimento da alma no mesmo corpo ainda nesta vida.

Na analogia entre Eclipse e Ovo que emana vida, o Sol e a Lua figuram como os pais que doam sua semente, que, unida, gera a nova vida na geração de uma nova consciência.

A Lua é a Grande Mãe, aqui comparada a um Ovo.

Apocalipse 12
Unindo os dois arcos, esquerda e direita, visto que são equivalentes e inversos, temos um círculo resultante com 12 círculos em roda.
Nove círculos no arco da esquerda, três círculos no aro da direita.

Este foi exatamente o padrão astronômico que aconteceu no dia 23 de Setembro de 2017, quando 12 estrelas se alinharam na constelação de Virgem, junto com o Sol e a Lua ali transitando. Isso porque NOVE destas estrelas eram realmente as estrelas da constelação de Leão, acima da cabeça de Virgem, e as outras três estrelas restantes (do total de 12), eram três planetas alinhados, na verdade: Mercúrio, Vênus e Marte.

Exatamente como aparece neste estranho crop circle, o que reforça a relação entre o Apocalipse 12 (2017) e o nascimento espiritual daquela Criança, além de todas as consequências desse magistral evento para o mundo nos termos da profecia completa.

Que é o início da Reunião espiritual na Terra atraída pela Divina Criança que acaba de nascer, em aspecto crístico.

Ps: o próximo eclipse solar total será no dia 2 de Julho, daqui a 38 dias (11).


Crop circle 25 de Maio Meteoro na Lua?

Partindo para uma interpretação astronômica do recente crop circle (embora o sinal do Apocalipse 12 em 23 de Setembro de 2017 tenha sido um raro fenômeno astronômico de alinhamento na constelação de Virgem), eis que estes dois arcos separados mas ligados em conteúdo parecem representar:

1. o arco da esquerda, um cinturão de asteróides
2. a colisão de um meteoro na Lua

Então, como o número de bolas de fogo e asteroides em movimento no céu aumentou muito nos últimos meses (desde a Sétima Lua de sangue em janeiro de 2019 e o conteúdo do Sexto Selo do Apocalipse), estatisticamente falando, é bem provável que, qualquer dia destes, como um ladrão sem aviso, um meteoro caia mesmo na superfície da Terra... ou da Lua.

Porque é a imagem que parece retratada neste bizarro crop circle duplo: um grupo de asteroides faltando no arco da esquerda, caindo na Lua no arco da direita.

Pode servir como um sinal para o mundo.


Jonas Passos



Tixeire Luc

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Crop Circles-UFO's-Ancient Mysteries-Scientific Speculations

Formation from 25 May 2019 at Chesterton Farm, near Cirencester, Gloucestershire, UK

According to the Mayan calendar Tzolkin 25 May 2019 is a day with the Solar Seal Yellow Human with Tone 4, in the Red Moon wavespell, in the Central Green Castle of Enchantment.

In my opinion, on the formation are depicted following energies:

Red Moon – Universal water, Purify, Flow
Yellow Human – Free Will, Influence, Wisdom

Yellow Human is the major energy in the Central Green Castle of Enchantment, which continues until 12 July 2019.

The Red Moon and the Yellow Human are mutually Occult Teachers, so the pair Red Moon – Yellow Human is of main importance in the Central Green Castle.

Besides, we are in the Red Cosmic Moon Year (26 July 2018 – 25 July 2019), so Red Moon plays now a very important role for the Earth and for the humanity as major energy of the current year.
The figure “W” on the left side of the photo consists of 9 small circles and depicts the current Red Moon wavespell. The number 9 symbolizes the energy Red Moon – Solar Seal No. 9.

The figure on the right resembles a human and symbolizes the energy Yellow Human.

The upper part “B” of the figure resembles the depiction on the glyph (sign) of the Red Moon and symbolizes a beacon.
The Red Moon helps us to remember who we are, that we are Godseed.
When you open for this remembrance, you become a beacon and receiver of cosmic consciousness. The Red Moon calls you to become a beacon of awakened awareness.

The lunar crescent „М” depicts again the energy Red Moon – the energy of the Universal Water (Universal Water are the cosmic energies).

The glyph (sign) of the Red Moon

The lunar crescent “M” depicts also a Chalice. Yellow Human is the chalice, which is filled with the gifts of the universe.

The Central Green Castle with major energy Yellow Human is the right time for us to open the chalice of our body to fill it with Universal Water, with the nectar of the universe.

A detailed description of the energies Red Moon and Yellow Human can be found on following link:

Here are some excerpts of this description:

The Yellow Human ask you to clear your physical vessel in order to prepare for the expanded energies of higher mind. Your chalice of self is being purified through vibrational adjustments in the brain/body system. With this quickening, adjustments are made and your circuits of consciousness are naturally transformed. Higher centers of the brain and the light-sensitive pineal and pituitary glands are being activated to contain more light.

With this expanded consciousness, your brain/body system is being cleared and fine-tuned so that you can create a sluiceway for the activation and acceleration of cosmic consciousness.

This is the foundation and awakening of your light body,
which exists in and out of time and space and is able to experience and communicate freely with other dimensions and times. The development of the light body involves strong interaction between Spirit and self as you prepare for entrance into the expanded chalice of Essence Self. The metaphor of the ever-expanding chalice is a powerful spiritual tool.  This chalice represents the eternal container of light, ever filled with spirit's fire and nourishment.

Sincere gratitude to the authors of this meaningful formation and to the photographer Nick Bull !!

Maya Todorova


As can also be noted from 2018 crop formations, previous formations this year, starting with the Snow Owl in snow at the beginning of February, are indicating links to John Michell’s Michael Line (Michael and Mary line it seems) through southern Britain – See comments on Crop Circle Connector for The Snow Owl, Ice Circle in China and Norridge crop design of 22nd May the first crop design of 2019- No 1 No 2- CHESTERTON FARM, Cirencester 25th May given Latitude 51.6992 north and Longitude 1.9851 west. It can be seen from previous comments the springs on the west side of ancient Bagendon are highlighted by the Longitude of the Snow Owl formation – 2.003 west ( on the Michael Line) . The crop design No 2 has a Longitude of 1.9851 west so is very

close, just to the east, so where does that go at the ancient Bagendon location? 

It passes through the churchyard of the church, a fraction to the west of the present building, there are also springs in this area noted on the Ordinance Survey and records show the church could be subject to flooding at times as a result. The church dates back to the 12th Century but is believed to have earlier Saxon origins. Many Saxon churches were built on sites previously considered sacred – well known early church policy. 

The Latitude of this Crop formation No 2, 51.6992 goes east to cross the Michael Line just south east of Little Haseley an area where Mesolithic, Neolithic and Bronze Age artefact discoveries have been found. It was an area noted for its many springs and hence marshy land years ago. 

No 3 – SPIERS LANE ,Nr Chilton Candover 26th May given Latitude 51.1515 north and Longitude 1.1563 west. This Longitude goes north to cross the Michael Line just east of Dorchester on Thames which has a sacred burial location back to Neolithic times and with Mesolithic finds. Much of the large Neolithic sacred area was destroyed by sand and gravel extraction in recent years. The Michael Line passes just north of the town centre and just south of the Neolithic Sacred Site marked on the Ordinance Survey. Dorchester on Thames area became an important Iron Age, Roman and Saxon site adopted by the early church but then its importance diminished.

The Latitude line of this crop circle No 3 goes west to pass a very short way north of Glastonbury Tor where it crosses the Michael Line just to the east of the Tor. Looking at a detailed Survey from about 1880 there are many Stones shown in this area just north of the Tor and a spring is marked which must have been on or very close to this 51.1515 Latitude line. Glastonbury is of course also very famous from ancient times for its Chalice Well Spring just to the south of the latitude line. The Ancient Oaks of Avalon, Gog and Magog, are just south of this latitude line to the east of the Tor. There was apparently an ancient processional way of oak trees from the Tor to this latitude line of which Gog and Magog are the only survivors as the rest were cut down in 1906.  

Note – The Michael Line used is calculated by bearings from Burrow Mump to The Snow Owl and Bury St Edmunds – 61.13 degrees see Sketch Maps with Snow Owl comments on Crop Circle Connector

Mike Stewart  29th May 2019



This crop circle's substandard symmetry and definition make it potentially man-made.

In any event, the major figure is a protective shield with a comet approaching from the top. The comet has a standard heat indication (the inner circle), as usual for a comet  nearing the  sun. The lumpy appearance of the comet may be due to a realistic depiction, or it may indicate a number of fragments trailing behind the comet. The meaning is that the shield will fail to deflect the comet from its impact point, perhaps because it is coming in  at an angle not anticipated by the shield creators.

Two examples of shield crop circles:



United Kingdom, June 19, 1999.  This image indicates a shield will be in place for three comet strikes.




United Kingdom, August 4, 2016.  Six space vehicles with internet-like communications will function as shields to protect the earth in the center. Their orbits will be at a distance from the planet (but not necessarily around the planet). 

The other element of the crop circle, the arc of nine circles, would normally describe the extent  of debris and fragments falling from the comet across the earth, usually over half the globe. In  this case the peculiar arrangement of the circles makes little or no sense. The normal pattern is shown in this crop circle:




Switzerland, July 5, 2007.  The center is a representative crater caused by strikes of the  surrounding 13 circles which represent a comet and its fragments. Over half the globe is  implied from the distribution of the circles. 

Kenneth Heck

First picture shows a handmade crystal glass which is still hot. Later on the top is cut off and it looks more like the  third picture. Proportions are Golden Ratio and the edge follows a part of a Phi-spiral. The glass is also blown in a  kind of fractal energy field which is transmitted into the material. The taste of water improves. As I understand, Golden Ratio is common in fractals which are connected to coherent states essential for extracting Zero Point Energy in Flying Saucers. This is the energy technique we need to maintain humans possibility to  reincarnate here. Last picture comes from a NASA video. 

/Aqva Varius


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Mark Fussell & Stuart Dike