Merenswegje,  Holland. Reported 15th June.

Map Ref: 

Updated Sunday 5th  July  2015


16/06/15 16/06/15 16/06/15 16/06/15 05/07/15 16/06/15

A series of “planetary astronomy” images were drawn in crops in the Netherlands between May 7 and June 14, 2015. These are classic “SETI” type of communications: where are Earth’s scientists when we need them?  

As shown in slides posted below, three of the most recent crop pictures in the Netherlands from May 7 to June 14, 2015 show lucid images of “planetary astronomy”, and seem to describe a current orbit for the planet Mercury:  


It has always been thought that first contact between other civilizations and our own would be based on universal concepts from mathematics or astronomy. Both cultures would then be able to understand equally well, even if the “letters and words” which they use are mutually different.  

An early field image in the Netherlands on May 7 showed Mercury at its greatest elongation east, headed for inferior conjunction with Earth and Sun on May 30.  

A second image on June 4 showed schematically how Mercury might be seen from Earth, for several weeks close to inferior conjunction on May 30.  

A third image on June 14 now shows schematically how Mercury will be seen from Earth close to June 24, when that planet reaches its greatest elongation west.  

We have already explained what their first image from May 7 signified (see Hoeven or Hoeven). Let us now examine their second and third images more closely.  

The most likely meaning of their second field image on June 4 is explained in the slide below: 


As planet Mercury moved between Sun and Earth, it grew larger and brighter from May 8 to May 30. Then as it moved away from Earth, it grew smaller and dimmer from May 30 to June 20.  

The most likely meaning of their third field image on June 14 is likewise explained in another slide below.  

As planet Mercury moved past inferior conjunction on May 30, it began to rise higher and higher in Earth’s morning sky. It will reach its greatest distance (or “elongation”) from the Sun’s glare on June 24, 2015 (see mercury):  


That will be 10 days after this third field image was drawn on June 14. Indeed we can see 10 small circles in the crop drawing as 5 + 5.  

Who might be sending these SETI-type images to us? We can also see, just above their third field image, the landscape symbols for a “bird” and a “serpent”:  


Such landscape symbols appear fairly often near new crop pictures. In this case, they suggest that the unseen crop artist may be a legendary man called Quetzalcoatl (or Kukulkan), who was known as a “bird-serpent” in ancient central America.  

Messages sent to Earth in the fields from another space or time? 

It would make sense that we are being shown planetary images of our own solar system, not of some distant star, if these field messages are coming from another space or time, or possibly even from a parallel universe. There would be no need for any advanced civilization to transmit radio signals across hundreds of light-years of space, just to communicate with another civilization elsewhere, once they develop “spacetime wormhole” technology.  

By analogy, we no longer send messages here on Earth by written letters, which are carried over the seas inside of sailing ships! Instead we just pick up our iPhone and send a text message to China or Abu Dhabi, or use Skype to chat with friends in another country in real-time, face to face. Most scientists of the 19th century would have considered our modern electronic communications to be inconceivable, because “radio waves” were not even discovered until Hertz found them in 1886 (see hertz experiment). I believe it is this failure to anticipate new and advanced technologies, which has caused contemporary scientists of the late 20th or early 21st centuries to be unable to understand “crop pictures”.  

Although some crop pictures are probably human-made (see devizes road), there seems to be little doubt that many other crop pictures are not. Some of the green wheat stems in this third field image have been bent smoothly just above the ground: like for heating an iron bar, bending it by 90o, then cooling it again (please see various photographs on Formatie 2015). No local human can do that using “rope and boards”.  

Shall we laugh or shall we cry?  

Thus the experimental facts seem clear, yet our modern scientists “refuse to look”. Four hundred years ago, such learned academics refused to look through Galileo’s small telescope, preferring instead to study the ancient writings of Plato or Aristotle (see galileo):  

"My dear Kepler, what would you say of the learned here who, replete with the pertinacity of the asp, have steadfastly refused to cast a glance through my telescope? What shall we make of this? Shall we laugh or shall we cry?"---Galileo Galilei to Johannes Kepler (1633).  

Today our academics have advanced somewhat from Galileo’s era. They not only study writings from library journals or textbooks, but also are keen to look for extra-terrestrial life using big telescopes! Modern scientists hold conferences on the “search for extra-terrestrial life”, and discuss whether or not we will be able to understand “messages from aliens”, if we do happen to receive them in that conventional way (see  

Some modern astronomers even wish to broadcast another radio message out into space, like Carl Sagan did in 1974 at Arecibo radio telescope, to let other civilizations know that “we are here” (see  

As new and authentic crop pictures begin to appear now in the summer of 2015, once every few days, all over England and Europe, we really should be convening major conferences to study them in detail, and decode most of their intended meanings. Instead, during month June of the year 2015, Earth’s leading scientists continue to pretend that this strange phenomenon does not exist. Shall we laugh, or shall we cry?  

Red Collie (Dr. Horace R. Drew, Caltech 1976-81, MRC LMB Cambridge 1982-86, CSIRO Australia 1987-2010)



Luis Delgado Salez posts us latest slide that relates to the recent crop circle in the Netherlands that was reported on the 15th of June,

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Crop Circles-UFO's-Ancient Mysteries-Scientific Speculations

I believe that this crop circle predicts flyby of a cosmic body (asteroid, comet or Planet X? ...) Our solar system. If you give us this message was delivered in this way, it must be important for mankind. On the right picture shows the flyby of comet Ison around the Sun in 2013.
Pávková Z.

Kornkreis in Zevenbergen, Holland, entdeckt von Robbert van den Broecke, am 15. Juni 2015

Es ist die sechste holländische Formation in 2015. Robbert van de Broecke konnte zwar im Voraus eine Skizze anfertigen, er hatte aber zu dieser funktionalen Geometrie keine Botschaft erhalten. Es stellte sich jedoch, wie man nachlesen kann, bei den beteiligten Personen, die in die Entdeckung involviert waren, ein seltsames Wärme- und Hitzeempfinden ein.

It is the sixth Dutch formation in 2015. Robbert van de Broecke could make a sketch in advance but he had not received a message to this functional geometry. It turned, however, that the persons who were involved in the discovery, had a strange sensation of heat. 

Die Figur wirkt sehr harmonisch und fußt in erster Näherung auf Gleichseitigem Dreieck, Quadrat und Sechseck, aus deren Zusammenwirken eine Ellipse gebildet wurde.

The figure looks very harmonious and is based in a first approximation to an equilateral triangle, a square and a hexagon, from its interaction an ellipse was formed

Wir kennen die Symboliken, die auf diese einfachen Polygone Bezug nehmen aus vielen Kulturen der Vergangenheit. Neu ist bisher, dass sie dazu verwendet werden eine Ellipse zu definieren. Wir werden sehen, dass dies mit diesem Kornkreis auf überraschend einfache Weise gelungen ist.

We know the symbolism that refer to these simple polygons from many cultures of the past. It is new that it has been used to define an ellipse. We will see that this has been achieved with this crop circle in a surprisingly simple manner. 

Ich verwende zur Rekonstruktion eine Luftaufnahme von Yvonne und Robbert van den Broecke, die eine perfekte perspektivische Entzerrung bietet.

For reconstruction I used an aerial photograph of Yvonne and Robbert van den Broecke, who offers a perfect perspective equalization. 

Zum Verständnis sollte der Leser einen Blick auf die folgende Ellipsendefinition wagen (Abbildung 1a).

For better understanding the reader should dare a glance at the following picture of an ellipse definition (Figure 1a). 

Um eine Ellipse aufzumalen braucht man zwei Maße.

Die haben Breite der Ellipse: (Große Halbachse a)

Die habe Höhe der Ellipse: (Kleine Halbachse b)

To paint an ellipse you need two dimensions.
Half of the width of the ellipse have: (major axis a)
Half of the height of the ellipse have: (minor axis b)

Die Exzentrizität e gibt die Entfernung des Brennpunts von der Mitte aus an.

Würde man ein Licht in einen Brennpunkt der Ellipse stellen, so würden sich alle Strahlen im gegenüber liegenden Brennpunkt sammeln.

The eccentricity e is the distance from the center of the focus.
If you would put a light in a focus of an ellipse, then all the rays would gather in the opposite focus.

Abbildung  SEQ Abbildung \* ARABIC 1a 

Uralte Symbole von Dreieck und Quadrat und Sechseck bilden den Kornkreis

Ancient symbols of triangle and square and hexagon forms the crop circle 

Abbildung  SEQ Abbildung \* ARABIC 2 

Ich habe den Radius des zentralen Kreis b=1 gesetzt, dadurch werden alle anderen Maße sehr einfach (Abbildung 2).

I have set the radius of the central circle b = 1, this will remain all other dimensions very simple (Figure 2). 

Der Mittelkreisradius ist kleine Ellipsenachse b=1. Er ist Inkreis eines gleichseitigen Dreiecks (Abbildung 2).

The center circle radius is small elliptical axis b =. 1 It is inscribed an equilateral triangle (Figure 2). 

Die Dreiecksbreite (auch Sechseckbreite) ist große Halbachse a =1,7321(Wurzel aus 3)

The triangle width (also wide of the hexagon) is semi-major axis a = 1.7321 (square root of 3) 

Die Berechnung der Exzentrizität e wird denkbar einfach.

The calculation of the eccentricity e is very simple.


Die Exzentrizität ergibt sich jedoch aus der Konstruktion auf natürliche Weise, durch das  einbeschriebene Quadrat (Abbildung 2). Die Brennpunkte (Abstand 2e), liegen auf den Quadratseiten.

However, the eccentricity resulting from the construction in a natural way, by the inscribed square (Figure 2). The focal points (distance 2e), lie on the square sides. 

Es erschiene absurd, zu behaupten, eine Figur, die in ein Getreidefeld gelegt wird, habe energetische Wirkungen. Der Erfahrung vieler Kornkreisbesucher zufolge, scheinen Kornkreise diese Wirkung zu haben. Ob es sich dabei immer um Placebo Effekte handelt vermag ich nicht zu sagen. Ich denke aber, er spielt eine nicht zu unterschätzende Rolle.

It would seem absurd to claim that a character who is placed in a cornfield, have energetic effects. Many Crop Circle visitors say that Crop Circles does have this effect. Whether this is always placebo effects I can not say. But I think he plays a significant role. 

In vorliegenden Fall beschreiben alle beteiligten Personen ein intensives Wärme- oder Hitze - Empfinden, das beim Betreten des Kornkreises einsetzte.

In the present case, all the people involved describe an intense heat or heat - feeling which began when entering the crop circle.

Abbildung  SEQ Abbildung \* ARABIC 3 

In Abbildung 3 habe ich blaue Strahlen gezeichnet. Sie alle beginnen im linken Brennpunkt und enden in rechten Brennpunkt. Es sind Beispiele einzelner Strahlengänge. Die Physik der Ellipse besagt, dass ein Strahler, der in einem Brennpunkt platziert ist, alle seine Strahlen im gegenüber liegenden Brennpunkt sammelt. Vorausgesetzt, die Ellipse dient als Reflektor.

In Figure 3 I have drawn blue rays. They all start at the left focus and end up in the right focus. There are examples of individual beam paths. The physics of the elliptical states that a radiator is placed at a focal point, all of its beams are collected  in the opposite focal point. Provided that the ellipse is used as a reflector. 

Abbildung  SEQ Abbildung \* ARABIC 4 

Betrachtet man die Geometrie genauer (Abbildung 4), so stellt man fest, dass die beiden Ellipsensegmente um ca. 3° gegeneinander geneigt sind, Abbildung  4 und 5.

Considering the geometry more precisely (Figure 4), it is found that the two elliptical segments are inclined at about 3 ° to each other, Figure 3 and 4. 

Abbildung  SEQ Abbildung \* ARABIC 5 

Wie nun eine Lichtquelle reflektiert wird, die etwas unterhalb des Brennpunkts platziert ist, das zeigt Abbildung 6.

Genau dies geschieht durch die gegenseitige Neigung der Ellipsensegmente.

How a light source that is placed a bit outside of the focal point of the ellipse will be focused in the second focus point, is shown in the following figure 6.

Exactly this is happens by the mutual inclination of the ellipse segments.

Abbildung  SEQ Abbildung \* ARABIC 6 

Die Abbildung 6 stammt von:, wo sie weitere Strahlengänge innerhalb von Ellipsen sehen können.

Besonders interessant die Animation, bei der die Lichtquelle

entlang der kleinen Halbachse,

und entlang der großen Halbachse

verschoben wird.

The figure comes from: where they can see more beam paths within ellipses.
Particularly interesting are the animation in which the light source
along the minor axis,
and along the major axis
is moved.

Die folgende Rekonstruktion in Abbildung 7 versucht allen geometrischen Eigenheiten dieser funktionalen Geometrie gerecht zu werden. Die Ellipsenbrennpunkte wurden als Energiezentren dargestellt.

The following reconstruction in Figure 7 is trying to satisfy all the geometric characteristics of this functional geometry. The ellipse foci were presented as energy centers. 

Die davon ausgehenden Strahlen werden in den Ellipsensegmenten in das Gegenzentrum reflektiert. Die Zentren sind gegeneinander geneigt.

The emanating rays are reflected in the ellipse segments in the counter-center. The centers are inclined towards each other. 

Abbildung  SEQ Abbildung \* ARABIC 7 

Abbildung 8 zeigt alle Konstruktionslinien.

Figure 8 shows all construction lines.

Abbildung  SEQ Abbildung \* ARABIC 8 

Die Durchmesser der peripheren Kreise könnten wie in Abbildung 9 zu sehen ist, gebildet worden sein.

The diameter of the peripheral circuits could built up as shown in Figure 9.

Abbildung  SEQ Abbildung \* ARABIC 9 

Besonderheiten dieser Geometrie, Abbildung 10.

Die einfache Differenz Wurzel(3)-Wurzel(2) ergibt den Radius des großen Nebenkreises, beiderseits der Ellipse. Er ist eine gute Näherung an den Kehrwert der kreiszahl (1/PI). Dabei dient der Radius des zentralen Kreises als Einheitswert.

Special features of this geometry, see Figure 10.
The simple difference root (3) – root (2) gives the radius of the large circle at both sides of the ellipse. He is a good approximation to the reciprocal of the number pi (1/pi). The radius of the central circle serves as the standard value.

Abbildung  SEQ Abbildung \* ARABIC 10 

Die fünf peripheren Kreise beiderseits des Zentralkreises wurden einerseits auf einem Kreis, andererseits mit einem Faktor nahe pi/4 oder Wurzel(phi), immer enger werdend platziert. Eine konstruktive Lösung siehe Abbildung 11.

The five peripheral circles on both sides of the central circle were placed on the one hand at a circle, on the other hand by a factor close to pi / 4 or root (phi), always placed closer to the next one. A constructive solution see figure 11.

Abbildung  SEQ Abbildung \* ARABIC 11 

Die schönsten Dreiecke aus Platons Timaios Dialog

Most beautifull triangles of Plato's Timaeus dialogue 

Der Kornkreis beruht im Prinzip auf der Geometrie des gleichseitigen Dreiecks, des Quadrats und des Sechsecks. Zusammengesetzt, aus den beiden "schönsten Dreiecken", das gleichschenkelige(halbes Quadrat), das gleichseitige, wie Platon im Timaiosdialog schrieb.

The crop circle is based on the principle of the geometry of the equilateral triangle, the square and the hexagon. Composed, from the two "most beautiful triangles", the isosceles (half a square), the equilateral, as Plato wrote in Timaiosdialog. 


Der Musikalische Aspekt

The musical aspect 

Die Eckenzahlen drei, vier und sechs, als Kettenbruch angeschrieben (3:4:6), haben wir die folgenden Intervalle unserer Musik.

The corner numbers three, four and six, written as a continued fraction (3: 4: 6), we have the following intervals of our music. 

3:6 Oktav Intervall (octave interval)

3: 4 quart interval (fourth interval

4:6=2:3 Quint Intervall (fifth interval)

Eine etwas anders geschriebene Tetraktys der Pythagoreer

A somewhat different written Tetraktys the Pythagoreans


1:2 wird zu 3:6

2:3 wird zu 4:6 

Die Aliens informieren uns über Dinge, die wir seit Pythagoras, also seit 2500 Jahren kennen.

The aliens tell us about things that we do, know for 2500 years since Pythagoras time.

Wenn man die Pyramiden betrachtet, dann sind das eben diese Proportionen, die wir dort vorfinden und sie orientieren sich letztlich an den Kristallstrukturen.
Das Ganze hat also eine universelle Grundlage, die im ganzen Kosmos die gleiche ist.

If you look at the pyramids, then we find these proportions there, and they are based ultimately on the crystal structures.

The whole thing has a universal basis, which is the same in the whole cosmos.

Das Quadrat (The square)
Das Dreieck
(The Trigon)

Das Sechseck (The Hexagon)

Darstellungen und Texte, R.U. Müller


Artwork WJ


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Mark Fussell & Stuart Dike