Ipuacu, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Reported 31st October

Map Ref: 

Updated  Wednesday 2nd December  2015


26/11/15 02/11/15 02/11/15 02/11/15 04/11/15 02/11/15

Luciano Augusto Silva posts us news regarding a crop circle in Brazil - 'Ipuaçu, Santa Catarina - Brazil - 31th October 2015 - Agroglifos 2015 UFO.' (Freeze frame from the video).


Luis Delgado Salez posts us this short video of ground shots and a diagram of the newly discovered Brazilian crop circle. Text in Portuguese followed in a rough English translate - 'ENFIM, SURGE UM AGROGLIFO NESTE ANO EM IPUAÇU
A. J. Gevaerd, editor da Revista UFO.
Amigos, estou agora na cidade. Recebi a notícia do novo agroglifo às 10h00 de hoje e meia-hora depois já estava na estrada. Venci 430 quilômetros em 5 horas e cheguei na plantação às 15h30. Já da estrada dá para ver a exuberante figura em uma colheita de trigo já bastante maduro e seco, e bem castigado, semanas antes, pelas chuvas.
Quem descobriu o agroglifo foi a equipe da Novelo Filmes, que está produzindo o documentário “Círculos” para o History Channel. Já estive com eles aqui no final de semana passado gravando, mas não apareceu nenhuma figura. A expectativa era de que ocorresse algo neste final de semana, Finados, época estatisticamente mais provável. E foi.
A figura tem quase 100 m de comprimento por cerca de 80 m de largura. Formam o agroglifo uma anel ovalado que se expande nas áreas opostas da imagem, indo a 6 m de largura. As partes contrárias, laterais, têm menos de um metro. Dentro há 4 elipses idênticas de 30 m de comprimento por 8,5 m de largura cada. É um bela figura.
“Cortando” as 4 elipses a uma distância de 6 metros de suas partes mais externas há um círculo de mais de 40 m de diâmetro e cerca de 2 m de espessura. Ao passo que este círculo tem as plantas dobradas em sentido anti-horário, as elipses – que chamaremos de “pétalas” – foram feitas antes e suas plantas estão em sentido horário.
O agroglifo foi descoberto nesta manhã de 31 de outubro, às 07h00, por um vizinho que alertou o proprietário, senhor Moacir Luis Romani, dono das poucas fazendas ainda com trigo na região. Todas estarão colhidas até amanhã. O local exato fica na Linha Vista Alegre, praticamente ao lado da Hidrelétrica Quebra-Queixo e a 10 quilômetros do centro de Ipuaçu.
Digno também de nota é que outros vizinhos do senhor Romani, que pescavam em um açude a 200 m de onde surgiu a figura, em um declive, viram ontem à noite, por volta das 23h00, uma luz de cor neon iluminar a plantação e refletir-se na água do açude. Isso é muito comum de ocorrer nas noites anteriores à descoberta de agroglifos.
Alguns vão dizer, olhando as fotos e vídeos, que o agroglifo é bastante irregular. Bem, eles sempre são pelo menos um pouco irregulares. Neste caso, a plantação estava bastante deteriorada e pouco uniforme, devido às chuvas, o que levou ao formato pouco preciso da figura.
O croqui foi feito pelo Toni Inajar Kurowski.
Abs, Ademar José Gevaerd
Anyway, there is a agroglifo in this year in ipuaçu

A. J. Gevaerd, editor of the magazine UFO.

Friends, I am now in the city. I received the news of the new agroglifo at 10 p.m. today and a half-hour later was already on the road. I won 430 miles in 5 hours and I arrived on the plantation at 15 p.m. already of the road you can see the lush figure in a wheat harvest already quite mature and dry, and well punished, weeks before, by the rains.

Who discovered the agroglifo was the team of the ball movies, that is producing the documentary "circles" for the history channel. I've been with them here at the end of the week past recording, but didn't show any figure. The expectation was that there was something at the end of this week, season tolls, statistically more likely. And it was.

The figure has almost 100 m length for about 80 m wide. Form the agroglifo a ring ovalado that expands opposite in the areas of the image, going to 6 M wide. The opposing parties, lateral, have less of a metre. Inside there are 4 identical ellipses of length 30 m by 8,5 m width each. It's a nice figure.

"cutting" The 4 Ellipses at a distance of 6 metres of their external parts there's a circle of more than 40 m in diameter and approximately 2 M THICK. While this circle has plants folded in an anti-clockwise direction, the ellipses - that call you "Petals" - were made before and their plants are in clockwise.

The Agroglifo was discovered this morning of 31 October, at 07 p.m. for a neighbor who warned the owner, Mr Moacir Luis Romani, owner of the few still with wheat farms in the region. All will be taken until tomorrow. The exact spot is on the line Vista Alegre, almost to the side of the hydroelectric power station break-Chin and 10 miles from the centre of ipuaçu.

Also worthy of note is that other neighbours of Mr Romani, who have fished in a weir at 200 m from where came the figure, on a slope, saw last night, around 23 p.m. a light color neon light The planting and be reflected in the water of the weir. It is very common to occur in the nights prior to the discovery of agroglifos.

Some will say, looking at the photos and videos, that the agroglifo is quite irregular. Well, they are always at least a little irregular. In this case, the plantation was very damaged and little uniform, because of the rains, which led to the format little I need the figure.
The diagram was done by Toni Inajar Kurowski. Abs, Ademar José Gevaerd'

Anyway, there is a agroglifo in this year in ipuaçu

A. J. Gevaerd, editor of the magazine UFO.

Friends, I am now in the city. I received the news of the new agroglifo at 10 p.m. today and a half-hour later was already on the road. I won 430 miles in 5 hours and I arrived on the plantation at 15 p.m. already of the road you can see the lush figure in a wheat harvest already quite mature and dry, and well punished, weeks before, by the rains.

Who discovered the agroglifo was the team of the ball movies, that is producing the documentary "circles" for the history channel. I've been with them here at the end of the week past recording, but didn't show any figure. The expectation was that there was something at the end of this week, season tolls, statistically more likely. And it was.

The figure has almost 100 m length for about 80 m wide. Form the agroglifo a ring ovalado that expands opposite in the areas of the image, going to 6 M wide. The opposing parties, lateral, have less of a metre. Inside there are 4 identical ellipses of length 30 m by 8,5 m width each. It's a nice figure.

"cutting" The 4 Ellipses at a distance of 6 metres of their external parts there's a circle of more than 40 m in diameter and approximately 2 M THICK. While this circle has plants folded in an anti-clockwise direction, the ellipses - that call you "Petals" - were made before and their plants are in clockwise.

The Agroglifo was discovered this morning of 31 October, at 07 p.m. for a neighbor who warned the owner, Mr Moacir Luis Romani, owner of the few still with wheat farms in the region. All will be taken until tomorrow. The exact spot is on the line Vista Alegre, almost to the side of the hydroelectric power station break-Chin and 10 miles from the centre of ipuaçu.

Also worthy of note is that other neighbours of Mr Romani, who have fished in a weir at 200 m from where came the figure, on a slope, saw last night, around 23 p.m. a light color neon light The planting and be reflected in the water of the weir. It is very common to occur in the nights prior to the discovery of agroglifos.

Some will say, looking at the photos and videos, that the agroglifo is quite irregular. Well, they are always at least a little irregular. In this case, the plantation was very damaged and little uniform, because of the rains, which led to the format little I need the figure.

The Croqui was done by Toni Inajar Kurowski.

Abs, Ademar José Gevaerd

Luis Delgado Salez posts us his slide that relates to the latest crop circle in Brazil.

Artwork WJ


Image Nyako Nakar Copyright 2015



Mark Fussell & Stuart Dike